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Autor: Krzysztof Jan Huebner <>
Data: Fri 24 May 2002 - 11:54:41 MET DST
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.1020524115429.8259A-100000@czapla>
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Following the successful symposia in Cesme in 1997
and Palm Cove in 2001,the International Centre for
Heat and Mass Transfer will hold the third in
its series of symposia on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer
in 2004.It will be a six day cruise on a Norwegian ship
between Kirkenes and Bergen,and includes air travel from Oslo
to Kirkenes and train travel from Bergenback to Oslo.


and also

for an indication of what is in store for us.

The cost will be of the order of $US1200 (1300 Euro),
including the cabin(twin share) and all meals on board,
conference registration fee, flight from Oslo to Kirkenes,
and train from Bergen back to Oslo. This will be
comparable to the total cost of a land-based meeting.

The symposium will be in April 2004 (the exact starting
date is still to be determined). April is a good time
of the year because of the special lightleading up to summer.
General conditions can be found on

Because this venue for a symposium is a little unusual,
we would like to have a preliminary indication of numbers,
which will in part help us to decide which of several
ships we use. So would you please send an email to

giving your contact details and indicating your
interest in possibly attending CHT-04.

Thank you,

Graham de Vahl Davis and Eddie Leonardi

ICHMT Symposium: CHT-04 Advances in Computational Heat Transfer

Co-chairs: Graham de Vahl Davis and Eddie Leonardi,
CFD Research Laboratory,
School of Mech. & Manuf. Engineering,
The University of NSW, Sydney, NSW, Australia 2052

Tel: (+61 2) 9385 4099 / 4254 Fax: (+61 2) 9663 1222
Received on Fri May 24 12:22:08 2002

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.8 : Thu 27 May 2004 - 11:26:26 MET DST