Microwave Materials and their Applications 2002 (fwd)

Autor: Krzysztof Jan Huebner <hubner_at_IOd.krakow.pl>
Data: Mon 13 May 2002 - 07:13:02 MET DST
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.1020513071239.15429B-100000@czapla>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

MMA2002: Microwave Materials and Their Applications
will be held in York, UK from 1-3 September 2002.

Contributed papers are welcome in any area related to the
conference including:

Microwave Dielectrics (synthesis, fabrication, characterisation)
Measurement Techniques
Simulation of Properties
Electromagnetic Modelling
Applications of Materials (in communications, imaging, biology...)
Integrated Systems

Full details for the conference, including
abstract submission form,
registration details,
preliminary list of invited speakers

may be found at


The abstract submission deadline is 12 June.

Professor Robert Freer
Materials Science Centre
University of Manchester/UMIST
Grosvenor St
Manchester M1 7HS

Tel (44)-161-200-3564
Fax (44)-161-200-3586
Received on Mon May 13 07:39:34 2002

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