The Institute of Materials Science
Is Proud To Announce
The Twenty-Eighth Athens Conference on Coatings Science and Technology
July 1-5, 2002
Astir Palace Resort, Vouliagmeni (Athens) Greece
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For many years, this conference was organized under the sponsorship of the
State University of New York and the Greek Professional Societies.
Representatives from Australia, Asia, Canada, Europe, Japan and the U.S.A.
have traveled to Athens to hear the industry's leading scientists,
engineers, industrialists and educators address the latest developments and
intriguing ideas impacting the field of organic coatings. The program
sponsors hope that such an exchange of ideas and information will result in
the promotion of research projects that will have an eventual impact on the
direction of the overall industry.
Participants to this year's conference will include the industry's top
researchers, key decision-makers and top executives. The program organizers
cordially invite students to attend and contribute to the conference's
poster session as a means of enhancing their professional development.
Technical Program
To view abstracts go to and click on course details from
the Athens conference Section on the main page.
Developing and Testing a New Generation of Protective Coatings for Outdoor
Bronze Statuary
Gordon Bierwagen, T. Shedlosky & K. Stanek
(North Dakota State University, USA)
Correlation of High-Throughput Screening Methods with Conventional
Measurement Techniques
Bret J. Chisholm, R. Potrailo, M. Brennan, J. Cawse, R. Shaffer, C. Molaison
and D. Olson
(GE Corporate Research and Development, USA)
New Varnishes for Old Masters
Rene de la Rie
(National Gallery of Art, USA)
Assessment of Protective Properties of Organic Coatings by Thermal Cycling
Lorenzo Fedrizzi, L. Valentinelli & F. Deflorian
(University of Trento, Italy)
Binder Systems for Waterborne 2-Pack Products for Car Refinishes Application
Pieter Geurink
(Akzo Nobel Car Refinishes B.V., The Netherlands)
A New Innovative Stabilization Method for the Protection of Natural Wood
Pascal Hayoz, W. Peter & D. Rogez
(Ciba Specialty Chemicals AG, Switzerland)
Cyclodextrin-Assisted Polymerization - A New Way to Synthesize Powder Coat
Michael Herm, C. Flosbach, H. Ritter* & P. Glockner**
(DuPont Performance Coatings, Germany; *Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitat,
Germany; **Degussa AG, Germany)
On the Action of Benzoin as a De-Gassing Agent in Powder Coatings: A
Mechanistic Study
Shahab Jahromi, B. Mostert, A. Derks*
(DSM Research, The Netherlands; *DSM Resins, The Netherlands)
Visco-elastic Analysis of Scratch Durability: Measurements of the Effects of
Temperature, Frequency, amd Strain Rate for Organic Coatings
Vincent Jardret
(MTS Systems Corporation, USA)
Design of Coating Resins by Changing the macromolecular Architecture-Low
Temperature Curing Powder and Liquid Coating Systems
Mats Johansson
(Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Permanent Hydrophilic or Hydrophobic Surface Formation by Ion Assisted
Seok-Keun Koh, S. Han, K. Kim, JS Cho* & YW Beag*
(Korea Institute of Science & Technology, Korea; Plasma-Ion, Inc., KOREA)
Criteria and Methodology for the Evaluation of Conservation Interventions on
Treated Porous Stone Susceptible to Salt Decay
Niki Kouloumbi, A. Moropoulou, G. Haralampopoulos, A. Konstanti & P.
(National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
Physics of Thin Polymer Films
Eugenia Kumacheva & S. Xu
(University of Toronto, Canada)
Elastica Bend Testing of The Effective Interfacial Shear Strength and
Critical Deformation Strains of Brittle Coatings on Ductile Substrates
David Martin
(University of Michigan, USA)
Low Surface Energy Films From Solventless Liquid Oligoesters and Partially
Fluorinated Isocyanates
Marshall W. Ming, F. Melis and R. van der Linde
(Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
New Generation Decorative Paint Technology
Ad Overbeek, T. Annable, F. Buckmann & E. Martin
(NeoResins, The Netherlands)
Nanometer Polymer Latex Dispersion and Its Application in Water-based
Y.X. Peng
(Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry, P.R. of China)
Multimodal Fluoropolymer Dispersion
Tiziana Poggio, V. Kapeliouchko, V. Arcella and E. Marchese
(Ausimont SpA, Italy)
High Performance Accelerated All Acrlyic (AAA) Coatings: Kinetics and
Mechanistic Aspects of Non-Isocyanate Coatings
Mohamad D. Shalati, W.J. DeGooyer, J.H. McBee, F. Thys*, R.T.M. Leijzer** &
L. van der Ven**
(Akzo Nobel Resins, USA; *Akzo Nobel Resins b.v., The Netherlands; **Akzo
Nobel Central Research, The Netherlands)
Isophorone Diisocyanate in Blocking Agent Free Powder Coating Hardeners:
Selectivity, Analysis, Ab-initio Calculations
Emmanouil Spyrou, R. Franke & H.J. Metternich
(Degussa AG, Germany)
Phosgene-Free Synthesese of Carbonate Acrylates for U.V. Formulations
V.U. Stone, P. Burie and J. Van Hulen
(UCB Chemicals-Research and Technology, Belgium)
Environmental Pollution and Protective Coatings for Historical Objects
Mary Striegel
(Northwestern Louisiana State University, USA)
Formulation Effects on the Distribution of Pigment Particles in Paints
Franca Tiarks, J. Leuninger, A. Pfau, T. Frechen, B. Schuler, F. Richter, S.
Kirsch and M. Melan
(BASF AG, Germany)
Ideally Selective Diisocyanate Building Blocks: New Perspectives for
Dendrimers and Coating Binders
Rolf A.T.M. van Benthem, H.W.I. Peerlings*, E.W. Meijer* & A. Hofland**
(DSM Research, The Netherlands;*Eindhoven University of Technology, The
Netherlands; **DSM Coating Resins, The Netherlands)
Durability Prediction of p-Urethane Clearcoats
Leo van der Ven, H. Henderiks, R. Leuverink & R. van Overbeek
(Akzo Nobel Coatings Research Arnhem, The Netherlands;*Akzo Nobel Aerospace
Coatings, The Netherlands)
Contact-Angle Development of Polymer Melts
Marielle E. Wouters, H.A.M. Biemans & Bide Reuter
(TNO Industrial Tecbnology, The Netherlands)
The Change of the Properties of Acrylic Based Polyurethane Via Addition of
Limin Wu, W. Shen, J. Sun & S. Zhou
(Fudan University, P.R. China)
Characterization of Polyester Based Polyurethane/SiO2 Nanocomposite Coating
Prepared by In-situ Polymerization
Limin Wu, X. Chen, B. You & S. Zhou
(Fudan University, P.R. China)
Although this constitutes a firm program, the program organizers reserve the
right to make changes as they deem neccessary.
Topics Include
a.. High Solids
b.. Waterborne Polymers
c.. Powder Coatings
d.. Cure Studies
e.. Crosslinked Chemistry
f.. Automotive Coatings Technology
g.. Architectural Coatings
h.. Aging and Accelerated Weathering
i.. Materials Characterization
Who Should Attend
a.. Researchers
b.. Group Leaders
c.. Principle Scientists
d.. Business & Product Developers
e.. Project Managers
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Received on Mon May 6 08:03:26 2002
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