> Dear Colleague,
> On behalf of the Organising Committee, I take great pleasure in announcing
> you the third "Trends in NanoTechnology" International Conference
> which will be held in the City of Santiago de Compostela (Spain):
> 09-13, 2002.The aim of TNT2002 is to focus on the applications of
> Nanotechnology by bringing together various groups working in this field
> from the USA, Japan and Europe. This year, a one day SRC/TNT
> workshop will be organised and be an integrated part of TNT conference.
> workshop will be structured to encourage an active interchange of ideas
> among participants. Six major nanoelectronics themes have been identified,
> each of which will be addressed by a speaker from industry and a speaker
> from a university. - at this stage speakers from IBM, HP, Samsung or Intel
> already accepted to participate.
> Full details available at:
> http://www.cmp-cientifica.com/TNT2002.html
> Regards
> Antonio
> KEYNOTE LECTURES (confirmed): 1. Masakasu Aono (Riken, Japan), 2. Phaedon
> Avouris (IBM, USA), 3. Flemming Besenbacher (Aarhus University, Denmark),
> Guillermo Bozzolo (NASA Glenn Research Center, USA), 5. George Bourianoff
> (Intel, USA), 6. Roberto Car (Princeton University, USA), 7. Ignacio Cirac
> (University of Innsbruck, Austria), 8. Dongmin Chen (Rowland Institute for
> Science, Cambridge, MA, USA), 9. Wonbong Choi (Samsung, Korea), 10. Harold
> Craighead (Cornell University, USA), 11. Supriyo Datta (Purdue University,
> USA), 12. Cees Dekker (Delft University, Netherlands), 13. Pedro Echenique
> (DIPC, Spain), 14. Andreas Engel (Basel University, Switzerland), 15. Leo
> Esaki (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan), 16. Fernando Flores
> (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain), 17. Harald Fuchs (Munster
> University, Germany), 18. Christoph Gerber (IBM, Switzerland), 19. James
> Gimzewski (UCLA, USA), 20. James Heath (UCLA, USA), 21. Christian Joachim
> (CEMES/CNRS, France), 22. Sajeev John (University of Toronto, Canada), 23.
> Dieter Kern (Tuebingen University, Germany), 24. Uzi Landman (Georgia
> Institute of Technology, USA), 25. Daniel Loss (Basel University,
> Switzerland), 26. Ramesh G. Mani (Harvard University, USA), 27. Neil D.
> Mathur (University of Cambridge, UK), 28. Meyya Meyyappan (NASA, USA), 29.
> Seizo Morita (Osaka University, Japan), 30. Rodolfo Miranda (Universidad
> Autónoma de Madrid, Spain), 31. Jan van Ruitenbeek (Leiden University,
> Netherlands), 32. Lars Samuelson (Lund University, Sweden), 33. Christian
> Schoenenberger (Basel University, Switzerland), 34. Ivan Schuller
> (University of California, USA), 35. Clivia Sotomayor Torres (Wuppertal
> University, Germany), 36. Christian Urbina (CEA-Saclay, France), 37. Luis
> Vina (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain), 38. Mark Welland (University
> of Cambridge, UK), 39. Stanley Williams (HP, USA)
> Dr. Antonio CORREIA - Coordinator of the IST Nanoelectronics Network
> CMP Cientifica S.L.
> Phone: +34 91 6407187 Fax: +34 91 6407186
> mailto:antonio@cmp-cientifica.com
> WEB site: http://www.cmp-cientifica.com/
> PHANTOMS WEB site: http://www.phantomsnet.com/
Received on Mon Mar 11 08:25:41 2002
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