Please distribute the following call for papers.
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ACIVS 2002 Call for Papers
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems
September 9-11, 2002,
Ghent University, Belgium
ACIVS 2002 is the fourth of a series of workshops focusing on techniques
for building adaptive, intelligent, safe and secure imaging systems. Papers
are solicited in the areas of image processing, pattern recognition,
compression and algorithm assessment. ACIVS 2002 will consist of three days
of lecture sessions, both regular (30 mns) and invited presentations. The
conference fee (approx. 300 EUR, i.e., currently about 260-270 US$) includes
a social program (conference dinner, coffee breaks, snacks and cultural
activities). Students and IEEE members can register at a reduced fee.
Topics include (but are not limited to)
* Image Processing (image restoration and filtering, segmentation,
textures, model-based algorithms, multiresolution & scale-space
theory, fractals and multifractals);
* Pattern Recognition (statistical and structural pattern recognition,
robust matching and parsing algorithms, automata and grammars,
learning, recurrent networks);
* Image and Video Compression, Watermarking;
* Image Quality and Algorithmic Performance Evaluation (empirical
evaluation techniques; image & video quality metrics and methods).
The Symposium will take place in the faculty of Applied Sciences,
Jozef-Plateaustraat 22, 9000 Ghent, Belgium on September 9-11, 2002. The
venue is located within walking distance of the historic center of the
beautiful medieval city of Ghent, which can be easily reached by train from
Brussels main airport.
Paper submission and review process
Prospective authors should prepare a full paper and submit it
electronically. The paper should consist of 4-8 pages in A4 format with 11
pt font and should conform to the style guidelines outlined on the ACIVS
2002 website. LaTeX style sheets, MSWord templates and more detailed
information on the submission process can be found on the ACIVS 2002
website (
All submissions will be reviewed by at least 2 members of the Program
Committee; additional reviewers will be consulted if needed. The papers
should provide sufficient background information and should clearly
indicate the original contribution. They should state and discuss the main
results and provide adequate references.
Confererence proceedings
Accepted papers will be published in the CD-Rom conference proceedings in
pdf-format. Authors may optionally include a directory containing
additional multimedia content, e.g., sound files, demo's or video
sequences, subject to space availability. Authors wishing to take advantage
of this possibility should contact the Steering Committee for additional
Expression of interest
Anyone who intends to participate or submit a paper is invited to fill and
send a reply card available at the ACIVS 2002 website
Important deadlines
March 23, 2002 Full paper submission
May 3, 2002 Notification of acceptance
May 31, 2002 Camera-ready papers due
May 31, 2002 Early registration deadline
August 24, 2002 Late registration deadline
9-11 Sep 2002 ACIVS'2002 (Ghent)
Steering Committee
Jacques Blanc-Talon, CTA, France.
Wilfried Philips, Ghent University, Belgium
Dan Popescu, CSIRO, Australia.
Program committee
Fritz Albregtsen, University of Oslo, Norway.
Michel Barlaud, I3S/INRIA, France.
Karlheinz Bers, FGAN-FOM, Germany.
Philippe Bolon, University of Savoie, France.
Don Bone, Mediaware Solutions, Australia.
Pamela Cosman, University of California, San Diego.
Mihai Datcu, DLR, Germany.
Jennifer Davidson, Iowa State University.
Georgy Gimel'Farb, Auckland University, New Zealand.
Daniele Giusto, University of Cagliari, Italy.
John Illingworth, University of Surrey, UK.
Murat Kunt, EPFL, Switzerland.
Hideo Kuroda, Nagasaki University, Japan.
Bruce Litow, James Cook University, Australia.
Claus B. Madsen, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Wojciech S. Mokrzycki, IPIPAN, Poland.
Guy Nason, University of Bristol, UK.
Edgar Nyssen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
Marcin Paprzycki, Oklahoma State University, USA.
Jussi Parkkinen, University of Joensuu, Finland.
Fernando Pereira, IST, Lisboa, Portugal.
Matti Pietikäinen, University of Oulu, Finland.
Gianni Ramponi, Trieste University, Italy.
Georges Stamon, SIP, Paris V University, France.
Wojciech Szpankowski, Purdue University, USA.
Frederic Truchetet, Le2i, Le Creusot, France.
Juan Jose Villanueva, CVC/Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain.
Received on Thu Feb 14 08:53:55 2002
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