> Research and Development in
> Net Shape Manufacturing
> Date: 9 - 11 April 2001
> Venue: IRC in Materials, The University of Birmingham
> International Convention Centre, Birmingham, UK
> Organisers: The Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Materials
> for High Performance Applications, The University of Birmingham, UK
> Monday 9 April (at the IRC in Materials, University of Birmingham)
> >From 10.00 Visits to the IRC Net Shape Manufacturing Laboratory
> Lunch will be served from 12.30 onwards, with the conference session
> starting at 14.00.
> Gelatine-gelcasting of ceramic components
> L Vandeperre, J Luyten, A M De Wilde (Materials Technology VITO, BELGIUM)
> Processing of multiphase alumina/zirconia high-temperature ceramics
> from nano-size colloidal suspensions using co-extrusion
> C Kaya, E G Butler (University of Birmingham, UK)
> Fabrication of net shape ceramic microcomponents and patterns
> T W Button, B Su (University of Birmingham, UK)
> Structural characterisation and strength evaluation of spray formed
> ceramic free standing shapes
> M V Gopalakrishnan, R Krishnamurthy (Controlled Thermal Technologies, USA)
> Investigation of the HIP diffusion bonding of Zircalloy-4
> P S Hill, R I Todd, N Ridley (Manchester Materials Science Centre, UK)
> Manufacture and control of sprayed 3D shapes for automotive tooling
> applications
> S Hoile, T Rayment, P Jones, Z Djuric, J Betts, S Duncan, A Roche, R
> M Jordan and P S Grant (University of Oxford and Sprayform Holdings
> Ltd, UK)
> Microstructure and texture evolution during solidification processing
> of Ti-6Al-4V
> P A Kobryn, S L Semiatin (Wright-Patterson AFB, USA)
> Alloy development possibilities in laser powder deposition
> H Fraser (Ohio State University, USA)
> Direct laser fabrication of a titanium alloy
> X H Wu, M H Loretto, R Sharman (University of Birmingham, UK)
> Hot pressed and bonded HDDR magnets
> I R Harris (University of Birmingham, UK)
> Near net shape production of radially oriented NdFeB ring magnets by
> backward extrusion
> D Hinz, A Kirchner, O Gutfleisch (IFW Dresden, GERMANY)
> Tuesday 10 April (at the International Convention Centre, Birmingham)
> Rapid prototyping of sheet metal components by plasma jet forming
> A T Male, Y W Chen, C X Pan, Y M Zhang (University of Kentucky, USA)
> Analysis of multi-axis milling in an anthropomorphic robot, using the
> design of experiments methodology
> J F C P Antunes Simőes, T J Coole, D G Cheshire, R M D Mesquita
> (Staffordshire University, UK and Instituto Politecnico de Sebutal,
> Rapid machining of hardened AISI H13 and D2 moulds, dies and press tools
> H Coldwell, Ri Woods, M Paul, P Koshy, R C Dewes, D K Aspinwall
> (University of Birmingham and Portway Tool and Gauge, UK)
> ECM tool-electrode construction for semi-spherical shapes
> R Temur, C Bocking, T J Coole (Buckingham Chilterns University College,
> Finite element analytical model for bioceramic material removal
> K Chelule, T J Coole, D G Cheshire (Staffordshire University, UK)
> Rapid prototyping through scanned point data
> A C Lin, S R Liang (National Taiwan University of Science and
> Technology, TAIWAN)
> Weld deposition based rapid prototyping: a preliminary study
> Y M Zhang, Y W Chen, P J Li, A T Male (University of Kentucky, USA)
> Metal forming - net shape or no shape
> J W Brooks (DERA, UK)
> Inhomogeneity and directionality in sheet metal forming
> P Bate (Manchester Materials Science Centre, UK)
> Thixoforming of an automotive part in A390 hypereutectic Al-Si alloy
> P Kapranos (University of Sheffield, UK)
> Gating system for semi-solid forging process and their experimental
> investigation
> C G Kang, P G Seo (Pusan National University, SOUTH KOREA)
> Behaviour of 35CrMo steel based on grain size during hot deformation
> R H Wu, H T Zhu, T Y Hsu, X Y Ruan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, CHINA)
> Incremental material deformation using a novel manipulation technique
> A Arthur, J G Hou, T A Dean (University of Birmingham, UK)
> Net shape manufacturing of aircraft engine disks by roll forming and
> hot die forging
> B P Bewlay, M F X Giglotti, C U Hardwick, O A Kaibyshev, F Z
> Utyashev, G A Salischev (GE Corporate R & D Centre, USA and Institute
> for Metals Superplasticity Problems, RUSSIA)
> Dimensional effects in the calibration of a stainless steel cylinder
> A Rosochowski (University of Strathclyde, UK)
> An exercise in cold ironing as the post forging operation for net
> shape manufacture
> E R H Stone, J Cai, Z M Hu, T A Dean (University of Birmingham, UK)
> Development of high strength microalloyed steel forgings
> A K Chakrabarti, V Shindhe (Indian Institute of Technology, INDIA)
> Heat-resistant cast steels and ceramics: alternatives for the
> manufacture of superplastic forming tools
> T Cutard, P Lours, G Bernhart (Ecole des Mines d'Albi, FRANCE)
> Simple compression test and simulation of Sn-15%Pb alloy in semi-solid
> R Kopp, J Choi, D Neudenberger (RWTH Aachen, GERMANY)
> Process design and forming analysis of permalloy shielding can for
> instrument cluster
> D H Kim, S B Lee, B M Kim, D C Ko (Pusan National University, SOUTH KOREA)
> A new method of measuring thermal contact conductance
> M Rosochowska, K Chodnikiewicz, R Balendra (University of Strathclyde, UK)
> Wednesday 11 April (at the International Convention Centre, Birmingham)
> Process modelling in investment casting
> M R Jolly, J-C Gebelin (University of Birmingham, UK)
> Study on CAD system for foundry technology
> J W Kang, T Y Huang, B X Tong, J Xu, L Luo (Tsinghua University, CHINA)
> Squeeze moulding simulation using distinct element method considering
> greensand properties
> Y Maeda, Y Maruoka, H Makino, H Nomura (Nagoya University and
> Sintokogio Ltd, JAPAN)
> Study on a practical integration system of thermal stress analysis
> for shaped castings
> J W Kang, L B Sun, P F Li, B C Liu (Tsinghua University, CHINA)
> Continuous casting of steel semi-products and its optimization
> F Kavicka (Technical University of Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC)
> Some studies on Al-8.3Fe-0.8V-0.9Si alloy for near net shape casting
> K L Sahoo, C S Sivaramakrishnan (National Metallurgical Laboratory, INDIA)
> Advances in shell moulding for investment casting
> S Jones (University of Birmingham, UK)
> Effect of the incorporation of a zirconia layer on the physical and
> mechanical properties of a single crystal ceramic shell
> C Yuan, S Jones, P Withey (University of Birmingham and Rolls-Royce plc,
> Alloy development and mould shell casting of gamma TiAl
> R Yang, Y Y Cui, L M Dong, Q Jia (Institute of Metal Research, CHINA)
> The development of complex ceramic casting cores for aerospace blades
> A Arthur, T B Sercombe, H B Cui (University of Birmingham, UK)
> Semi-solid casting of a compressor component
> C G Kang, Y I Son, S W Youn (Pusan National University, SOUTH KOREA)
> Modelling and characterization of aluminium extrusion
> W Z Misiolek, W H Van Geertruyden, S R Claves, A R Bandar (Lehigh
> University, USA)
> Finite element modelling of aluminium extrusions for complex geometries
> Q Li, C Smith, C Harris, M Jolly (University of Birmingham, UK)
> Increasing yield during the manufacture of semi-finished extruded products
> D J Mynors, M Loose (Brunel University, UK)
> Study of the influence of friction on material flow during the
> combined forward and radial extrusion of a tubular component
> Y Qin, R Balendra (University of Strathclyde, UK)
> Process design of cold forging on the forward and backward extruded part
> H Y Cho, G S Min, C Y Jo, J Choi, M H Kim, M Y Wey (Chungbuk National
> University, SOUTH KOREA)
> Computer aided metal flow analysis in various types of extrusion dies
> R Venkatesan, P Srinivasan, R Narayanasamy, R Ponalagusamy (Shanmugha
> College of Engineering, INDIA)
> FE investigation of the spring back and secondary yielding effect in
> forward extrusion
> X Peng, R Balendra, Y Qin (University of Strathclyde, UK)
> Finite element modelling investigation of the influence of pocket
> designs on metal flow
> Q Li, C Smith, M Jolly (University of Birmingham, UK)
> The Conference sessions are being held on Monday 9 April in the
> Engineering Faculty Lecture Theatre, School of Electronic and
> Electrical Engineering (Gisbert Kapp Building), The University of
> Birmingham and on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 April in Hall 9 of the
> International Convention Centre (ICC) in Birmingham City Centre.
> It is hoped that as many delegates as possible will take the
> opportunity during the morning of Monday 9 April to visit the IRC Net
> Shape Manufacturing Laboratory, to meet the people working there and
> to see and discuss the R & D projects that are currently being
> undertaken.
> Conference Registration will take place from 10.00 onwards at the IRC
> Net Shape Manufacturing Laboratory, University of Birmingham, on
> Monday 9 April, and from 08.30 onwards outside hall 9 of the
> International Convention Centre on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 April.
> The Conference Reception and Conference Dinner are included in the
> standard Booking Fee. Additional places will be available for
> accompanying persons for both these events. Please indicate if you
> will require additional places on the Booking Form. Price available
> on request.
> Those booking for only one day may also be able to attend the
> reception or the dinner if sufficient places are available. Please
> request additional ticket(s) on the Booking Form.
> Hotel bookings are being handled by the Birmingham Convention &
> Visitor Bureau. Rooms have been reserved in four hotels within easy
> walking distance of the ICC. The hotels are City Inn, Chamberlain
> Tower, Copthorne and Hyatt Regency. The first two are in the "budget"
> price range whilst the latter two are at the "luxury" end of the
> price scale.
> All those booking for the Conference will be sent a Hotel Booking
> Form. Alternatively, delegates may contact BCVB direct (quoting "Net
> Shape Manufacturing Conference") at: Birmingham Convention & Visitor
> Bureau, ICC, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2EA, UK.
> Tel: + 44 (0)121 665 6116, Fax: + 44 (0)121 643 3280.
> The papers presented at the Conference will be published in a special
> issue of the Journal of Materials Processing Technology, which will
> be sent to all Conference Delegates when available.
> All enquiries concerning bookings and any other matters related to
> the Conference should be addressed to
> Mrs Jazz Jemahl
> IRC in Materials
> The University of Birmingham
> Edgbaston
> Birmingham B15 2TT
> UK
> Tel: + 44 (0)121 414 3591
> Fax: + 44 (0)121 4143441
> email: j.jemahl@bham.ac.uk
> Research and Development in Net Shape Manufacturing
> To register for this Conference, please complete the form below and send
it to
> Mrs Jazz Jemahl Tel: + 44 (0)121 414 3591
> IRC in Materials
> The University of Birmingham Fax: + 44 (0)121 414 3441
> Edgbaston
> Birmingham B15 2TT email: j.jemahl@bham.ac.uk
> UK
> Payment can be made with the booking form (sterling cheque or money
> order), on receipt of an invoice from the University of Birmingham
> (official order/order number required), or by credit card
> (Mastercard/Visa) on registration at the Conference.
> All bookings will be acknowledged and a hotel booking form, relevant
> maps and other joining instructions sent within two working days.
> Full Conference Ł300 attendance at all sessions, lunches
> and refreshments, Conference Reception and Conference Dinner, and the
> published papers
> Monday 9 April Ł90 attendance at Monday sessions, lunch
> and refreshments, and the published papers
> Tuesday 10 April Ł140 attendance at Tuesday
> sessions, lunch and refreshments, and the published papers
> Wednesday 11 April Ł140 attendance at Wednesday
> sessions, lunch and refreshments, and the published papers
> Name
> Organisation
> Address for correspondence
> Telephone Fax
> email
> Any special dietary requirements
> Additional tickets for Conference Reception or Conference
> Sterling Cheque or Bankers Order enclosed for (Payable to
> "The University of Birmingham")
> Please invoice me/my organisation (Order number )
> I will pay by credit card at the Conference
> --
> **************************************************
> Roderick Smith
> Head of Management Services
> School of Engineering
> The University of Birmingham
> Edgbaston
> Birmingham
> B15 2TT
> UK
> Tel: + 44 (0)121 414 7841
> Fax: + 44 (0)121 414
> email: r.m.smith@bham.ac.uk
Received on Mon Feb 19 13:43:11 2001
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