poniżej podaje informacje o konferencjach z serwera ISIS
---- 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- 43rd Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Conference October 28-31, 2001, Adam's Mark Hotel, Charlotte, NC Abstracts due: January 22, 2001; Final Manuscripts: July 27, 2001 Submit 50-word or less abstracts. If you are interested in presenting a paper on one of the topics listed here, please submit your name and title; your co-author's names and titles; your affiliation, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address; title of your abstract; and an abstract limited to 50 words or less. The abstract must outline the purpose, application, results and conclusions of your work. Please send this information to the listed contact name. The Committee will evaluate papers solely on the basis of information supplied. Papers are being solicited on the following topics: Roll Technology Tubular Products Minimill Technology Bar, Rod and Heavy Forgings Product Physical Metallurgy Flat Rolled Products Contact: G.R. Boal, Stelco, Inc., P.O. Box 2030, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3T1, Canada; E-mail Gboal@Stelco.ca; Telephone (905) 527-8335, ext. 2601; Fax (905) 308-7053. Physical Metallurgy of Emerging Steel Processing Technologies (In conjunction with the 43rd Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Conference) October 28-31, 2001, Adam's Mark Hotel, Charlotte, NC Abstracts due: January 22, 2001; Final Manuscripts: July 27, 2001 Submit 50-word or less abstracts. The Product Physical Metallurgy Committee is sponsoring a symposium on Physical Metallurgy of Emerging Steel Processing Technologies. This symposium seeks papers covering a variety of topics where there are current efforts to develop novel methods of processing ferrous materials. Examples include areas such as thin slab and strip-cast products, rapid or "ultra-rapid" annealing of strip, physical metallurgy of direct rolled products, new gas and plasma carburizing methods or other novel surface treating technologies which influence the microstructure of the base material, new thermomechanical processing strategies (including production of ultra-fine grained steels), the broad area of new accelerated cooling, direct quenching and self-tempering treatments, die-quenching processes and new post-forming heat-treatment techniques for sheet products, induction austenitizing and tempering methods, etc. These examples are not exhaustive as papers are desired in a variety of areas related to emerging process technologies or novel strategies for obtaining desired microstructure/property combinations. Papers should emphasize the metallurgical aspects of these developments. Contacts: E. Es-sadiqi, CANMET, 568 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G1, Canada; E-mail Essadiqi@nrcan.gc.ca; Telephone (613) 992-2780; Fax (613) 992-8735 -OR- J.G. Speer, Colorado School of Mines, Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Golden, CO 80401-1887; E-mail jspeer@mines.edu; Telephone (303) 273-3897; Fax (303) 273-3795. International Symposium on Rail Steels for the 21st Century (In conjunction with the 43rd Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Conference) October 28-31, 2001, Adam's Mark Hotel, Charlotte, NC Abstracts due: January 22, 2001; Final Manuscripts: July 27, 2001 Submit 50-word or less abstracts. This international symposium will include papers and presentations describing advances in rail steel metallurgy, rail manufacturing, rail testing and inspection, rail welding and rail performance. An emphasis will be placed on new higher carbon rail steels. Abstracts should be limited to approximately 50 words and provide a concise account of the objectives, results and implications of the work. The deadline for abstracts is January 22, 2001. Final manuscripts must be received by July 27, 2001, to ensure their publication in the proceedings, which will be available on-site at the conference. The Program Committee will evaluate papers solely on the basis of information supplied. Please submit the following: Company Name, Full Address, including City, State, and Zip or Postal Code, Country, Telephone, Fax, Author(s) E-mail, Author(s) Company Affiliations and Titles, Paper Title, 50-word Abstract, and Key Words. Return to: Dr. Fred B. Fletcher, Bethlehem Steel Corp., Homer Research Labs, Bethlehem, PA 18016; Telephone (610) 694-7272; Fax (610) 694-2981; E-mail FBFletcher@bsco.com. International Symposium on Railroad Tank Cars "Tank Car Technology for the 21st Century - II" (In conjunction with the 43rd Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Conference) October 28-31, 2001, Adam's Mark Hotel, Charlotte, NC Abstracts due: January 19, 2001; Final Manuscripts: July 27, 2001 Submit 50-word or less abstracts. This symposium will include papers and presentations on developments and trends in railroad tank car technology. The focus will be on where the industry is heading with respect to design, materials, fabrication, and inspection of tank cars. Topics expected to be covered include weldability, damage tolerance, inspection, new materials and manufacturing methods. Abstracts should be limited to 50 words or less and provide a concise account of the objectives, results and implications of the work. The deadline for abstracts is January 19, 2001. Final manuscripts must be received by July 27, 2001, to ensure their publication in the proceedings, which will be available on-site at the conference. The Program Committee will evaluate papers solely on the basis of information supplied. Please submit the following: Company Name, Full Address, including City, State, and Zip or Postal Code, Country, Telephone, Fax, Author(s) E-mail, Author(s) Company Affiliations and Titles, Paper Title, 50-word Abstract, and Key Words. Submit to: Dr. Murali Manohar, P.E. Research Supervisor - Applications Technology Building B, Homer Research Laboratories Bethlehem Steel Corporation Bethlehem, PA 18016 Tel.: (610) 694-6559 Fax: (610) 694-2981 E-mail: mmanohar@bsco.com Deadline: January 19, 2001. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- 59th Electric Furnace Conference November 11-14, 2001, Phoenix Civic Plaza, Phoenix, AZ Abstracts due: March 23, 2001; Final Manuscripts: August 17, 2001 Papers will be selected on the following topics: Foundry Operations Steelmaking & Solidification Maintenance as a Process Special Arcs Refractories Energy & Environmental Control in the Metal Industry ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- 2002 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- 8th International Conference on Steel Rolling (In conjunction with the 44th Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Conference) September 9-11, 2002, Renaissance Resort Hotel, Orlando, FL Abstracts due: November 30, 2001; Final Manuscripts: April 30, 2002 Submit 100-word abstracts. The Joint Conference will focus on the rolling (including hot-, cold- & temper-rolling) of flat & long steel products, their physical metallurgy and their attributes & applications. Topics will include, but are not limited to, the following: Rolling-Mill Operations & Planning Thickness, profile & flatness measurement & control; meeting restricted thickness tolerance requirements. Actuator Developments Reheat & Tunnel Furnace designs Run-out Table Cooling: designs & control Control of rolling friction: lubrication, interstand cooling, roll cooling On-demand manufacturing (flexible rolling, right sizing, etc.) High-reduction & high-speed rolling Roll pass design Thin-Gauge hot rolling (dimensional & shape control, mill design, coiling practices) Issues related to rolling of high-strength products (Dual-Phase, TRIP, Complex-Phase steels) Temper-rolling reduction: measurement & control Plant Maintenance systems Scheduling to improve quality & for maximization of bottle-neck operations New Mills & Modernization Construction & Operation of New Rolling Facilities Compact Hot-Strip Mills Direct Strip Casting Information Systems & Numerical Simulations Intelligent manufacturing systems Information technology on Operations & Maintenance Neural networks for shape / thickness control Modeling various aspects of the rolling process Life Cycle Assessment Energy & Resource Savings Recycling Roll Technology (sponsored by the ISS MWSP Roll Technology Committee) High-Speed Steel CPC-type Work Rolls Manufacturing Issues Use in Hot-Strip Mills (roll cooling, friction, roll surface & strip quality) Comparison to "traditional" double-pour HSS roll Roll Inspection / Roll Management Techniques Use of HSS in Cold Mills Novel Manufacturing Techniques New Roll Types for Improved Performance Rolls for the last Finishing Stands Cold-Mill Work Rolls Rolls for Coiler Pinch, Coiler Blocker & Looper Applications Advances in Flat-Rolled Products (jointly sponsored by the ISS MWSP Flat-Rolled Products & Product Physical Metallurgy Committees) Processing-property-performance relationships for multi-phase, ultra-low-carbon, bake hardenable, motor-lamination and enameling steels & tin-mill products Influence of hot-rolling conditions on cold-rolled product properties Role of surface textures Physical metallurgy of novel processing methods, such as, direct-strip casting & ferritic rolling Crystallographic texture development in ultra-low-carbon & IF steels Modeling of microstructural development & structure/property relations Sponsoring Organizations Association Technique De La Siderurgie Francaise Iron & Steel Institute of Japan ASM International Instituto Argentino De Siderurgia International Iron and Steel Institute Centre de Recherches Metallurgiques The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalurgicas The Chinese Society for Metals The Korean Society for the Technology of Plasticity pozdrowienia kj hübnerReceived on Fri Oct 13 09:44:22 2000
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