dzień dobry
przesyłam wykaz konferencji odlewniczych w 2000 i 2001 roku
July 25 - 27 ExpoMET 2000, the exhibition and conference for foundry
equipment suppliers, steel plant maintenance suppliers, steel plant and
equipment suppliers and steel recycling equipment suppliers, Hotel Glória,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Details: Pam Chattin, dmg world media, fax: (+44)
1737 855469.
August 27 - 30 Australasian Foundry Convention
Queenstown, New Zealand
Australian Foundry Institute, Glengowrie, SA
Fax: (+61) 88295 6712
September 7 - 9 Moderne Technologien in den Giessereiwesen
Umweltschutz 3 Internationale Konferenz, Kraków, Poland.
Details: Polish Foundrymen's Technical Association, ul. Straszewsikiego 28,
PL-31 113 Kraków, Poland.
September 11 - 14 64th World Foundry Congress
Paris, France
Details: ATF Congres 2000, Paris la Défense Cedex
Fax: (33) 4717 6810.
September 18 - 22 Internationale Maschinenbaumesse, Brno, Czech Republic.
Details: Czech Foundry Association, fax: (+42) 05 4221 4481
September 19 - 21 Fonderie (foundry) 2000 and Fonderie Sous Pression
(diecasting) 2000, Paris, France.
Details, Tel: (+33) 1 4610 3134
Fax: (+33) 1 4621 1063.
September 20 - 22 Aluminium 2000, Essen, Germany. Details: Miller Freeman
Deutschland GmbH, e-mail:
September 20 - 22 Sixth International Foundry Trade Metal 2000, Kieice
Details: Polish Foundrymen's Technical Association, ul. Straszewskiego 28,
PL- 31 113 Krakow, Poland.
September 26 - 27 37th Foundry Days
Brno, Czech Republic
Details: Czech Foundry Association, Brno
Fax: (42) 054221 4481
September 27 - 28 Magnesium 2000, International Congress Centre, Munic,
Germany. Details: Duetsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V. tel: (+49) 69
7917 758; Fax: (+49) 69 7917 733.
October 24 - 27 Fond-Ex 2000
Brno, Czech Republic. Details: Czech Foundry Association
Fax: (+42) 54221 4481.
November 4 - 6 Arab Foundry Symposium, Arabcast 2000. Details: Egyptian
Foundrymen Society, fax: (+2) 41 81 899.
November 14 - 16 International Die Casting Congress and Table Top
Exposition, Chicago, IL., USA.
Details: North American Die Casting Association, fax (+1) 847 292 3620.
November 23 - 25 BelAlit Annual Foundry Conference
Minsk, Belarus
Details: Belarussian Association of Foundrymen and Metallurgists, Minsk
Fax: (+1) 0172 23 14 80
December Czech/Polish Conference, Materials Engineering, Brno, Czech
Republic. Details: Polish Foundrymen's Technical Association, fax: (+12) 411
42 11.
November 27 - December 4 Midest
Paris, France
Details: IMF GmbH, Düsseldorf
Fax: (+49) 211 438 0768
March 22 - 25 Ankiros 2001, sixth International Iron, Steel and Foundry
Technology, Machinery and Products and Annofer 2001, fifth International Non
Ferrous Metals Technology, Machinery and Products Trade Fairs. Details: Sada
Ltd, tel: (+90) 312 4408800; Fax: (+90) 312 4409903. E-mail:
March 22 - 25 Ankiros, Istanbul, Turkey. Details: Foundrymen's Association
of Turkey, fax: (90) 212 213 0631.
April KFS Annual Spring Meeting, Korea.
Details: Korean Foundrymen's Society, fax: (82) 2796 1348.
April The first China International Foundry Material Congress and
Exposition, Shanghai, China.
Details: Foundry Institution of Chinese, fax: (86) 24 258 55 793
May 14 - 17 Machine Parts 2001, international machine parts and related
special equipment exhibition for China, Shanghaiexpo, Shanghai, China.
Details: Elaine Wong, Business and Industrial Trade Fairs Ltd, fax: +852
2866 1770.
June 19 - 20 The International Conference of 38th Foundry Days, Brno, Czech
Details: Czech Foundrymen Society, fax: (42) 05 42 21 44 81.
October 8 - 11 Metals Engineering 2001
incorporating Foundry 2001, Castings 2001, Forgings 2001, Furnaces 2001,
Aluminium 2001, Surface Engineering 2001, Precision Toolmaker 2001
(including Tool and Die), Press Ancillaries 2001 and Engineering Adhesives
2001, NEC, Birmingham, England.
Details from the marketing department
dmg world media (uk) ltd
Tel: (+44) 1737 768611
October 14 - 17 The seventh Asian Foundry Congress (AFC - 7)
Taipei International Convention Center, Taiwan.
Details: Chinese Foundrymen's Association
Tel: (+886) 735 34791-2
Fax: (+886) 735 24989.
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