Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 8:55 AM
Subject: tenerife_callforpapers, please put in my web
please post in Bulletin Board
AUGUST 5-11, 2001
SHERATON MENCEY HOTEL (five star rating)
(87 EURO+4.5%tax per night for six nights or more, otherwise 104 EURO+ 4.5%
tax per night, breakfast included)
sponsored by International Community for Composites Engineering
The ICCE/8 conference will be held in one of the most beautiful islands in
Europe, Tenerife, Spain. Many people called it the Hawaii of Europe with
spectacular geographic scenery showing the highest mountain in Spain still
caped with snow, beautiful warm sunny beaches and seeing is believing
"cliffs" blessed with excellent weather. This island is a shopping paradise
(sales tax is only 4.5% at time of printing), it has superb night life and
most importantly, rich Spanish culture and good food. The Spanish monarchy
lives in this hotel once a year.
The goals of the ICCE/8 Tenerife, Spain conference are to (1) BRIDGE THE GAP
between materials science, mechanics and processing of composites (2)
INTERDISCIPLINARY research bridging the gap between aerospace technology,
bio-materials, chemistry, electronics, fluid mechanics, infrastructures,
powder metallurgy, sensors/actuators, among others (3) LEVERAGING of
research resources and encouraging joint research between participants. The
following symposia (among many others not listed here) will be highlighted:
Aging, Flammability Materials Sciences (all areas)
Bio-Dental Composites Mathematical Modeling
Chemistry, Coatings Metallurgy (all areas)
Ceramics Composites Metal Matrix Composites
Characterization of Materials Metals, Alloy, Minerals
Computational Mech. Micromechanics
Damage, fracture, fatigue Nano-Materials
Earthquake Engineering Non-Destructive Testing
Electronic/Magnetic Mat. Particulate Composites
Experimental Techniques Plastics Engineering
Fiber/Matrix Properties Powder Metallurgy
Functionally Graded Mat, Processing MMC, CMC, PAC
General Applications Smart Composites
Impact Engineering Structural Dynamics
Industrial Composites Textile Composites
Infrastructures Composites. Vibration, Buckling
Interface, Interphase Wood or Construction Mat.
Joints and Adhesion Wave Propagation
Major symposim: Nano Materials, Magnetic Materials, Thin Films
The ICCE/8 conference proceedings will consist of two-page extended
abstracts. Each page has a two-column format. Please use single-line space
to allow maximum information. The first line is the paper title(spanning two
columns) and it should be of size 14 with all capital "bold" typeset. The
second line is blank, the third line is the name of the authors in bold
face, fond size 11, centered, spans two columns. The fourth line is the
postal mailing address, preferably written in only one line, non-bold, fond
size 11, also centered. The rest of the text is also in fond size 11. Please
keep approx. 3/4 inch margin on all edges. Laser print quality is required.
Please underline the name of the presenter, since the proceedings is
arranged alphabetically according to the presenter. Abstracts must be FULL
OF DETAILS AND RESULTS, thus, please include as many figures as possible in
these two pages. Abstracts due April 5, 2001 (always email and
simultaneously postal mail, fax is only temporary, photographs must be
Due to limited space of over 400 oral paper presentations, each presenter
will present no more than one paper. ABSTRACT SUBMITTER must agree to ORALLY
PRESENT THE PAPER. Interested authors should submit IMMEDIATELY the
tentative PAPER TITLES to: Dr. David Hui, University of New Orleans, Dept.
of Mechanical Engineering, New Orleans, LA 70148. Tel: (504)-280-6652,
Tel/FAX: (504)-280-6192 email:
We welcome research/educational table exhibitions.
The ICCE/8 registration fee is US$350.00 before May 5, 2001, US$400 before
June 5, 2001, US$450.00 after June 5, 2001
Sabit Adanur
S. Akbarov
K. Balasubramian
S. Bandyopadhyay
Amr Baz
Margherita Clerico
Leonard Daniel
Florence Dieval
Georges Duvaut
Y. Dzenis
Madjid Fathi
Lucianno Feo
H. Garmestani
Jeff Hall
John Hart-Smith
Paul Herrington
Peter Hing
W. Hufenbach
N.G.R. Iyengar
Christian Jochum
Chien-Ping Ju
Tai-Yan Kam
Tarun Kant
Jerry Kapelewski
Yun-Hae Kim
Sug-Won Kim
Yuuji Kimura
B. Koskova
L. Lapcik
B.L Les. Lee
Jong-Ho Lee
Tai-Chiu Lee
S.R. Lin
J. Ping Liu
Rong Liu
Jason Lo
Karl Maile
S.T. Mileiko
Jiri Militky
A. Mirmiran
K. Miyazawa
Yi-Lung Mo
Herbert Mucha
N.K. Naik
Y. Nath
Cheung Poon
A. Oudjehane
H. Paradies
Joung-Man Park
Yiping Qiu
Jack Roberts
Jag Sankar
C. Scarponi
G.O. Shonaike
R.D. Sudduth
Bohua Sun
Shiro Suzuki
K. Takemura
Solomon To
Jose Torralba
J. Toribio
M. Touratier
Stan Veprek
Youjiang Wang
John Whitcomb
Chihdar Yang
S. Yoshida
Masaru Zako
Hanxie Zhao
Yantian Zhu
Gary Anderson
Victor Birman
Philippe Boisse
Alex Bogdanovich
C.C. Chao
Philippe Colomban
Subhendu Datta
Piyush Dutta
Mauro Ferrari
F. Gordaninejad
John Gyekenyesi
Chun-Hway Hsueh
Rakesh Kapania
Alex Kalamkarov
Isao Kimpara
Satish Kumar
Ayman Mosallam
C. Mota Soares
Carlos Navarro
W. Ostachowicz
Nick Pagano
Su-seng Pang
Lars-Erik Persson
Marek J. Pindera
F. Rammerstorfer
Yapa Rajapakse
Heinrich Rothert
Huai-Min Shang
George Simitses
R.C. Tennyson
Geoff Turvey
Anthony Waas
Viktor Verijenko
Kunio Wakasa
Received on Wed Aug 16 07:01:00 2000
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