SGI'2000 - Second Announcement and Call for Papers (fwd)

Autor: Krzysztof Hubner <>
Data: Thu 24 Feb 2000 - 16:04:44 MET
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Subject: SGI'2000 - Second Announcement and Call for Papers


       * *
       * SGI'2000 *
       * *
       * *
       * The First Worldwide SGI Users' Conference *
       * *
       * 11 - 14 October, 2000 *
       * Krakow, Poland *
       * *
       * http:// *
       * *


   Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET University of Mining and Metallurgy
                               in cooperation with
                        SGI (formerly Silicon Graphics)
                  ATM S.A. Company (SGI representative in Poland)
                                  CCNS Ltd


SGI, ATM S.A. Company, Polish State Committee for Scientific Research, CCNS Ltd


02 June 2000 deadline for submission of contributed papers
30 June 2000 notification of acceptance of papers
28 July 2000 deadline for:
                  - registration with reduced fee
                  - submission of accepted papers in their final form
                   - Continental Hotel registration at preferential rates
11 October 2000 SGI'2000 Conference


The Conference will be a forum for SGI users, independent software vendors,
applications developers, research and industry scientists, as well as for
decision makers.

The following topics of high performance computing and visualization on SGI
platforms will be covered by the Conference
   - experience with SGI products for high performance computing,
   - large scale simulations,
   - applications in science, engineering and industry,
   - visualization, graphics and multimedia,
   - system management, resource management and batch systems,
   - tools and programming environments,
   - data storage.

The Conference will include
   - tutorials,
   - invited talks,
   - contributed presentations from the SGI users community,
   - presentations of new SGI products,
   - round table discussions,
   - social events.


        System Administration
                Details will be announced

T02. Thomas Feil
      Manager Server and Storage Marketing EMEA Munich, Germany

        Storage Area Network (SAN) Architectures
                  - GSN
           - FibreChannel
        Technical Overview on Filesystems
        CXFS - XFS Cluster Filesystem
        Hierarchical Storage Management (DMF)
        RAID Solutions

T03. Friedhelm Birk
      Senior System Engineer, Frankfurt, Germany

        Overview on
             - Reality Centers
             - Visual Serving
             - Volume Visualization
             - Remote Collaboration
             - Visual Supercomputing
        ClearCoat360 TM
             - what it is
             - how it works
             - Performer based Programming example
             - short demo
        The Future of Graphics

T04. Igor Zacharov
      Senior Consultant High Performance Computing, SGI European
      Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland

        Parallel programming
        Overview of optimization and parallelisation techniques
        on SGI's ccNUMA architecture
           - OpenMP
           - MPI
        Overview of SGI's program development tools


Jack Dongarra
University of Tennessee and ORNL, USA
Trends in High Performance Computing, Enhancing Performance and the
Computational Grid

Marek Holynski
ATM S.A., Poland
Graphics Made Perfect

Friedel H. W. Hossfeld
John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC)
Central Institute for Applied Mathematics (ZAM) Research Centre Juelich
Chair for Technical Informatics and Computer Science
Technical University of Aachen
The title to be announced

Peter Kacsuk
MTA SZTAKI Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Visual Parallel Programming on SGI Machines

John Mashey
Vice President and Chief Scientist, SGI Mountainview, USA
Big Data, Big Computing: Technology Trends Ahead

Wolfgang Mertz
HPC Consultant CSBU Europe, SGI, Germany
SGI's Architecture for High Performance Computing

Giacomo Polosa
Independent Consultant, President of RCI Ltd Europe, Italy
Supercomputing in Europe: New Versus Old Perspectives

Peter M.A. Sloot
Section Computational Science, The University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Computational Steering: Virtual Simulation and Exploration

Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Department of Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Object-Oriented High-Performance Computing Using Software and Hardware


We invite participants with experience in computing on SGI systems to submit
papers for SGI'2000. A reduction of the registration fee will be offered to one
of author of each accepted contributed paper.

Papers, 6 to 10 A4 pages, prepared according to the formatting rules, should be
sent via email to the Organizing Committee before June 02, 2000. Papers will be
reviewed taking into account originality, significance of presented results,
relevance to SGI'2000.

Each paper should include: paper title, name, e-mail, mailing address and
affiliation of the author(s), short abstract, main body of the paper, references
and/or bibliography. For a detailed submission procedure and formatting rules
for LaTeX and MS Word Users please see:

Accepted papers will be included in the Conference program as oral or poster
presentations, and they will be printed in a Proceedings volume which will be
distributed to participants at the beginning of the Conference.

It will be also possible to present virtual posters which may accompany an
invited lecture, a contributed oral presentation as well as a "classical" poster.
All participants who intend to present virtual posters are requested to prepare
posters at their own WWW sites and email http address, author(s) name and title
of a poster to the Organizing Committee not later than September 23, 2000.
Then, links will be done from the Conference WWW page to virtual posters.


The registration fee covers admission to tutorials, all Conference sessions, one
copy of the Conference Proceedings, lunches, coffee and social events.

Regular fee:
        - early registration (before July 28, 2000): 350 Euro
        - late registration (after July 28, 2000): 500 Euro

Reduction of the fee for author presenting a contributed paper - 100 Euro

Social events (prices for accompanying person):

        Welcome party: 30 Euro
        Excursion and dinner at the Salt Mine in Wieliczka: 50 Euro
        Reception at the Pieskowa Skala Castle: 45 Euro


The Conference will take place at

        Continental Hotel
        al. Armii Krajowej 11
        30-150 Krakow, Poland

In order to facilitate attendance at the Conference, accommodations have been
reserved for participants at the hotel at preferential rates:

        single room: 90 Euro
        double room: 120 Euro
        double shared: 60 Euro

Prices indicated are per room, per night and include VAT and buffet breakfast.

In order to take advantage of the preferential rates at the Continental Hotel,
please transfer one night hotel room price together with the fee to the
Conference bank account before July 28, 2000. The rest of the hotel payments
will be made directly at the Continental Hotel by cash or credit card (Visa,
Eurocard, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club).

Please make a room reservation at the Continental Hotel using the SGI'2000
Registration Form enclosed on the Conference Web page.


Ms Malgorzata Kozlowska
Under-Secretary of Polish State in the State Committee for Scientific Research


Jacek Moscinski Institute of Computer Science, UMM, Poland /chairman/
Marian Bubak Institute of Computer Science & ACC CYFRONET, UMM, Poland
Jack Dongarra University of Tennessee and ORNL, USA
Fabio Gallo Computer Systems Business Unit, SGI, Switzerland
Andrzej Grzywak Institute of Computer Science, Silesian Technical
                      University, Poland
Ladislav Hluchy Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Marek Holynski ATM S.A., Poland
Friedel H.W. Hossfeld NIC - Research Centre Jülich & Technical University of
                      Aachen, Germany
Jacek Kitowski Institute of Computer Science, UMM, Poland
Henryk Krawczyk Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
                      Technical University of Gdansk, Poland
Jacek Madajczyk ATM S.A., Poland
John Mashey Chief Technology Officer, SGI
Wolfgang Mertz HPC Consultant CSBU Europe, SGI, Germany
Marian Noga Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET UMM, Poland
Giacomo Polosa Independent Consultant, President of RCI Ltd Europe, Italy
Peter M.A.Sloot Section Computational Science, The University of Amsterdam
                      The Netherlands
Maciej Stroinski Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland
Boleslaw K.Szymanski Department of Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic
                      Institute, USA
Ryszard Tadeusiewicz Rector of the University of Mining and Metallurgy, Poland
Roland Wismüller LRR Technische Universität München, Germany
Roman Wyrzykowski Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical
                      University of Czestochowa, Poland
David A. Yuen Supercomputer Institute, University of Minnesota,
                      Minneapolis, USA


Marian Noga ACC CYFRONET UMM /chairman/
Jacek Moscinski ICS UMM
Mieczyslaw Pilipczuk ACC CYFRONET UMM
Stanislaw Polak ICS UMM
Maria Stawiarska ACC CYFRONET UMM
Rafal Wcislo ICS UMM




        Address for correspondence:

                Prof. Jacek Moscinski
                ACC CYFRONET UMM
                P.O.Box 386
                ul. Nawojki 11
                30-950 Krakow 61, POLAND

        Fax: (48 12) 634 10 84; 633 80 54
        Phone: (48 12) 634 17 66
Received on Thu Feb 24 16:06:33 2000

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