I am sorry if this ad as offended you. Please go to removeall@china.com to be removed.
We offer some of the best bulk e-mail prices on the Internet. Bulk e-mail can get you the best exposure on the net. What makes this kind of advertising so effective is the fact that you go to the potential customer. Not like search engines or print ads that the potential customer has to do all the searching. Dollar for dollar bulk e-mailing is also the most economical.
What we offer:
*General AOL Lists or other ISPs
$200.00 for 1-million e-mails sent.
$400.00 for 3-million e-mails sent.
$600.00 for 5-million e-mails sent.
$800.00 for 7-million e-mails sent.
$1000.00 for 10-million e-mails sent.
*Targeted Lists:
$400.00 for 1-million e-mails sent.
$700.00 for 2-million e-mails sent.
$1,000.00 for 3-million e-mails sent.
New year special, order within 2 days and get 1 free million general names sent. Order within 5 working days and get 500,000
Call for bigger packages!
We can also send some form of verification, so why not give us a call and see what it is that we can do for you. call anytime 209-669-0176, we are in California. METHOD OF PAYMENT , CASHIERS CHECK MONEY ORDER OR BANK WIRE.
Received on Sun Feb 6 10:22:27 2000
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