Dear Collegues
We would apreciate to inform interested young researcher of the
following available positions in our research project.
Thank you very much for getting this circulated.
Pierre Ruterana
Laboratoire d'Etude et de Recherche sur les Materiaux (LERMAT)
Unite associee CNRS No 6004
Institut Superieur de la Matiere et du Rayonnement(ISMRA)
6, Bd Marechal Juin
14050 Caen Cedex
Tel: (33 2) 31 45 26 53
Fax:(33 2) 31 45 26 60 e-mail:
Research Training Network EC Contract N°: HPRN-CT-1999-00040
Interface analysis at atomic level and Properties of Advanced Materials
Eight positions are immediately available, eligible young (< 35 years)
researchers must be citizens
of EC or associated countries (Norway, Island, Israel, Lichtenstein,
Bulgaria, the Czech Republic,
Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and
Letonia), however any
foreigner who has spent five years in an EC country may apply. Women
candidates are particularly
encouraged to apply and equal opportunity between women and men will
govern our choice.
Following the mobility criteria, the young researchers will not apply
for a position in their native
1. POSTDOCTORAL POSITION at Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society,
A postdoctoral position at the Fritz-Haber-Institut in Berlin (Germany)
is available in the group
"Surface morphology and growth of semiconductors" under the supervision
of Dr. Joerg
Neugebauer. The research will be mainly focused on the theoretical
modeling of electronic
properties and atomic structure of interfaces and interfacial defects
employing first principles total
energy calculations. The basic materials for this project will be
gallium nitride based
semiconducting layers where extended defects are well known to occur in
large concentrations. The
research will be performed in close collaboration with experimental,
industrial, and theoretical
partners within the EC. Strong interaction with the other groups is
therefore expected. The
successful candidate should have a PhD in Physics, Chemistry or
Materials Science, and have a
strong interest on microscopic simulations. Preference will be given to
candidates with strong
background in any (or several) of these fields: electronic structure
calculations, molecular
modeling, density functional theory, empirical potentials, and analysis
of transmission electron
microscopy measurements.
Interested candidates should send immediately a CV, list of
publications, name and address
(including email) of three references, preferably by email or fax, to:
Dr Joerg Neugebauer
E-mail:, Phone: ++49 30 8413 4826, Fax:
++49 30
8413 4701, www:
2. POSTDOCTORAL POSITION at Universitat Politčcnica de Catalunya,
Barcelona, Spain
A postdoctoral position is available at the department of Applied
Mathematics in the UPC. We are
seeking a computational materials scientist interested in modeling the
atomic structure of interfaces
and defects in crystals, mainly gallium nitride based materials. A PhD
in Physics, Materials Science
or related discipline and having experience with atomic simulations is
required. It is highly
desirable an ability to develop empirical interatomic potentials. It is
intended that he/she visits the
other laboratories working in the project to learn how to interpret the
experimental observations and
how to use the theoretical concepts.
Interested candidates should send immediately a CV, list of
publications, name and address
(including email) of three references, preferably by email or fax, to:
Prof. Anna Serra
E-Mail:, Phone: ++34 93 401 68 86, Fax: ++ 34 93 401 18
3. A FULL TIME PhD STUDENT at CRHEA, Valbonne, France
These last years, CRHEA-CNRS has implemented an expertise in the growth
heteroepitaxial GaN layers on different substrates: sapphire, SiC and Si
by different techniques,
MBE, MOVPE and HVPE. The group has developed a proprietary Epitaxial
Lateral Overgrowth
(ELO) technology which allows to decrease by orders of magnitude the
density of dislocations in
GaN heteroepitaxial layers on sapphire, SiC or Si. Therefore, a great
interest in the procurement of
high quality GaN substrates currently exists. The successful candidate
will strongly support our
present effort to produce self-supported GaN of ELO quality by combining
HVPE. Parallel to the growth, he will contribute to the development of
in depth analysis of basis
mechanisms linked to the generation and propagation of threading
dislocations(TDs). More
precisely, it is planned to determine the core structure of defects in
ELO GaN, their electronic
structures (by EELS), the mechanism of bending of these TDs, to
implement new ways of further
decreasing the density of dislocations. He will be able to use two
MOVPE, one HVPE reactor and
all basic characterisation tools (double X-ray diffraction,
magnetotransport, low temperature
photoluminescence, HRTEM,.).
Candidates should send immediately a CV, name and address (including
email) of two references,
preferably by email or fax, to:
Dr Pierre Gibart, email:, Tel: ++33 4 93 95
42 27, Fax: ++33 4
93 95 83 61
CHREA-CNRS is located at the French Riviera near Nice ( see:
Candidates should preferably have a Phd with experience in electron
microscopy and/or atomic
structure modeling. The project will involve experimental high
resolution electron microscopy and
image analysis. In parallel, atomic structure modeling of defects and
interfaces will use empirical
and tight binding methods. A connection will be established with ab
initio techniques developed in
partner groups and the successful candidate will undertake quantitative
comparison of experimental
and simulated images. The overall aim is the understanding of the role
of defects and interfaces on
the optoelectronic properties in the Ga based nitride semiconductors.
Candidates should send immediately a CV, list of publications, name and
address (including email)
of three references, preferably by email or fax, to:
Dr Gerard Nouet on ++33 2 31 45 26 47, or Dr
Pierre Ruterana on ++33 2 31 45 26 53 email:
5. POSTDOCTORAL POSITION at University of Liverpool, Great Britain
A three year full-time appointment funded by the European Commission is
available to study defect
mechanisms in gallium nitride based electronic device structures within
the III-V semiconductor
materials group. Candidates should preferably have postgraduate
experience in the growth or
processing of semiconductor device materials. The project will involve
the chemical beam epitaxy
of GaN based materials and the fabrication of model device structures.
The influence of processing
parameters on defect propagation will be investigated using analytical
methods such as electron
microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and surface analytical techniques. This
appointment is part of a
Research Training Network and eligible candidates must be citizens of EC
member countries other
than the United Kingdom.
Candidates should send immediately a CV, list of publications, name and
address (including email)
of three references, preferably by email or fax, to:
Dr Paul Chalker: ++44 151 794 4313, email or Prof
Robert Pond: ++44
151 794 43 13 / 46 60, email
6. POSTDOCTORAL POSITION at Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Focus of the work in Erlangen university will be on direct correlation
of structural, optical and
electrical properties of extended defects in (i) group-III nitrides (ii)
group III-nitride based
heterostructures. Experimental work is based on (scanning) transmission
electron microscopy
((S)TEM) at all levels of resolution. These comprise high resolution
imaging with atomic
resolution, optical characterisation by cathodoluminescence in the STEM
and analysis of electrical
properties (electrical activity of extended defects, diffusion length of
minority carriers) by the
electron beam induced current (EBIC) both in the SEM and the STEM.
Theoretical analyses are
based on TEM contrast simulation for defect analysis, analysis of the
tetragonal distortion from
high resolution TEM images and finite element simulations of the
strained state of heterostructures.
Candidates should send immediately a CV, list of publications, name and
address (including email)
of three references, preferably by email or fax, to:
Prof Horst Strunk, Tel: ++49 9131 85 2 8601, Fax: ++49 9131 85 2 8602,
email:, Dr Martin Albrecht, Tel.: ++49
9131 85 2 8613,
Fax: ++49 9131 85 2 8602, e-mail:,
7. POSTDOCTORAL POSITION at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
A research opportunity is available for postdoctoral candidates with a
background in Electron
Microscopy, Crystal Growth, Materials Science. The primary
responsibility of the candidate will
be the study of the structure and properties of the heterophase
interfaces between thin films on
gallium nitride based materials. The project will offer the necessary
training for the specific skills
to meet the requirements of the job.
Candidates should send immediately a CV, list of publications, and name
and address (including
email) of three references, preferably by email or fax, to:
Prof Philomela Komninou, Tel: ++30 31 99 81 95 / Fax: ++30 31 99 80 61
8. A FULL TIME PhD STUDENT at The University of Cambridge, Great Britain
A three year research studentship position leading to a PhD degree is
available to study the
microscopy and analysis of defects in gallium nitride layers and device
structures. This exciting
project will use a wide range of state-of-the-art electron microscopy
and analysis techniques to
study the atomic structure of defects (using high resolution electron
microscopy), their chemical
composition and electronic properties (using x-ray spectroscopy and
electron energy loss
spectroscopy), including which defects give rise to states in the band
gap. This project is part of a
European Research Training Network aimed at optimising devices in
GaN-based materials. The
research student will form strong links with the other European partners
in this project. Eligible
candidates should have a top quality degree in physics, chemistry,
materials science or electrical
Candidates should send immediately a CV, name and address (including
email) of two references,
preferably by email or fax, to:
Prof Colin Humphreys on +44 1223 334457, email
<>, or
Dr Dave Tricker on +44 1223 334469, email <>
The Candidates will gain time by sending a copy of their CV also to
Prof. Philomela
Komninou, leader of the Training Programme. Tel: ++30 31 99 81 95 /
Fax: ++30 31 99 80 61
e-mail:; Please indicate the position of interest.
Caen, January 27 2000
Dr. Pierre Ruterana
Received on Fri Jan 28 07:36:00 2000
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