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Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and
Image Processing
Dec 20-22, 2000
Bangalore, INDIA
Email: icvgip@cair.res.in
URL: http://www.cair.res.in/~icvgip
Phone: +91 80 226 5609 Fax: +91 80 225 5615
Call for Participation
Continuing in the line of ICPIC '95 held at IIT, Kharagpur and
ICVGIP '98 held at IIT, Delhi, ICVGIP 2000 will be organized by the
Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics at Bangalore during
December 20-22, 2000. The conference is intended to bring together
the Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing communities together with
a special emphasis on India. A high quality technical track will be
augmented by presentations from various R&D institutions in the
country and the industry.
Important Dates:
Submissions due: May 15, 2000
Notifiation of acceptance: Sep 01, 2000
Final papers due: Oct 15, 2000
Conference dates: Dec 20-22, 2000
We strive to host a high quality conference in India. An additional
goal his to bring the community of Indian practitioners of these
areas together at a single forum. We encourage papers related to
system development, innovative applications etc., in addition to
research papers. We especially encourage papers by student. The
topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Computer Vision Image Processing
Computer Graphics Signal Processing
Virtual Reality Multimedia
Document Analysis Pattern Recognition & Matching
Applications Image Processing Architectures
ASIC Design Software & Hardware Tools
Electronic submissions are highly encouraged. Acceptable formats
are: Acrobat PDF, standard PostScript, self-contained LaTeX with
psfig, and Word 7.0. Check the official web page for details on
electronic submission. Manuscripts should not exceed 20
double-spaced pages including figures and tables. The submission
should include a cover page with the title, the authors' names,
abstract and keywords. Those submitting hard-copy manuscripts
should send four copies to the following address:
ICVGIP 2000 Secretariat
Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (CAIR)
Raj Bhavan Circle, High Grounds
Bangalore, 560 001. INDIA
Further Information:
Email address: icvgip@cair.res.in
URL: http://www.cair.res.in/~icvgip
Fax: +91 80 225 5615 (Attn: ICVGIP 2000)
Prof. M. Vidyasagar, CAIR
Prof. R. Narasimha, NIAS
General Chair:
Dr. P. J. Narayanan, CAIR pjn@cair.res.in
Program Co-Chairs:
Prof. Ramakant Nevatia, USC nevatia@usc.edu
Prof. Jayanta Mukherjee, IIT, KGP jay@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in
Organizing Chair:
Prof. Swamy Manohar, IISc manohar@csa.iisc.ernet.in
Plenary Chair:
Dr. P. Anandan, Microsoft anandan@microsoft.com
Publications Chair:
Dr. C. V. Jawahar, CAIR jawahar@cair.res.in
Dr. Subrata Rakshit, CAIR subrata@cair.res.in
Organized by Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR)
Received on Wed Jan 12 12:28:10 2000
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