CFP: Vision Interface 2000 (fwd)

Autor: Krzysztof Jan Huebner <>
Data: Sat 02 Oct 1999 - 08:26:38 MET DST
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.991002082357.29872A-100000@czapla>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Call for papers: Vision Interface 2000
   & co-located conferences

Vision Interface is a Canadian Conference with International
representation. Its focus includes issues of vision, image processing
and machine perception. It will take place May 14-17
in Montreal and be co-located with several other conferences including the
International Symposium on Robotics, the oldest running robotics conference.
We also anticipate a full slate of exciting invited speakers.

Contributions describing original and unpublished research
results are solicited.

The paper deadline for Vision Interface 2000 is November 26th, 1999.

Topics of the conference include, but not limited to, the following:

    2D and 3D scene analysis
    Biomedical image analysis
    Image database
    Industrial visual inspection and applications
    Active and real-time vision
    Image compression and coding
    Image segmentation
    Image processing in multimedia computing
    Mathematical morphology
    Stereo and motion analysis
    Neural networks Document compression and coding
    Document analysis
    Content-based image retrieval
    Object recognition
    OCR and Handwriting Recognition
    Robotic perception
    Texture analysis
    Video retrieval and indexing
    Vision for robotics
    Web or network-based image processing and retrieval

For a complete description of the conference and the
call for papers, visit the web page at

For information on the International Symposium on Robotics,
Graphics Interface, Artificial Intelligence 2000, the IRIS conference,
the machine tools show, or the robotic show, please visit
Received on Sat Oct 2 09:00:49 1999

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