SPM Conference in Biomaterials Science (fwd)

Autor: Krzysztof Jan Huebner <hubner_at_IOd.krakow.pl>
Data: Thu 23 Sep 1999 - 10:21:24 MET DST
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.990923102008.4095A-100000@czapla>
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z pozdrowieniami dla wszystkich

                  Krzysztof Jan Huebner

<hubner@IOd.krakow.pl> :-)

Instytut Odlewnictwa
ul Zakopianska 73 telefon (0-12) 2618111 wew 356
30-418 Krakow faks (0-12) 2660870



2nd International Conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy in
Biomaterials Science

23 June 2000

Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza Hotel
Bristol, England

Offical website: http://www.dent.bris.ac.uk/biomaterials/spm2000/

Although established as a tool in materials science and physics, scanning
microscopy (SPM) is at the beginning of its application in biomaterials
On 2 April 1998 the first workshop entitled "Scanning Probe Microscopy in
Biomaterials Science, Dentistry and Medicine" was held in Bristol, UK.
What was planned to be a small workshop evolved to be an international
conference with high calibre delegates and speakers from all over the world.
Encouraged by the success of the meeting and supported by international
academics and industrial researchers we are organising a 2nd conference.

Since this first conference in 1998 more researchers have applied atomic force
microscopy and related SPM methods in biomaterials science.
Therefore a definitive need for a broad scientific exchange between
involved in these studies exists.
This is the purpose of The 2nd International Conference on Scanning Probe
Microscopy in Biomaterials Science, which will be hosted by the University of
Bristol and Veeco Instruments Limited.

Contributions should cover, but are not limited to, the following areas:

- Imaging of biomaterials surfaces (polymers, metals ceramics etc.)
- Interfaces between biomaterials and biological materials (e.g.
protein-biomaterial interfaces)
- Investigation of local properties of biomaterials (mechanical, chemical
- Structural change of biomaterials
- Aspects of medicine and dentistry relevant for SPM (e.g. SPM on mineralised
tissues or DNA)
- Instrumental developments in SPM and combination with other methods in the
investigations of biomaterials

Deadlines and dates

1 September 1999: early registration starts
1 January 2000: registration starts
1 April 2000 Deadline for abstract submission
1 June 2000 registration closes =96 late registration (at an increased fee
rate) possible until the date of the conference.

Registration : http://www.dent.bris.ac.uk/biomaterials/spm2000/

Manuela Finke
University of Bristol
Department of Oral and Dental Science
Dental Materials and Biomaterials Group
Lower Maudlin Street
Bristol BS1 2LY
Received on Thu Sep 23 10:54:48 1999

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