przesylam informacje o konferencji odlewniczej w St.Louis w roku 2000,
First announcement and call for papers
33rd annual Convention of the International Metallographic Society
"From Castings to Composites: Products, Processes and Structure"
8 - 11 October 2000, St. Louis, Missouri
Abstracts are currently being solicited in, but are not limited to the
following topics:
Advances in Castings Technology
Composites: Design and Application
Metals, Ceramics and Composites; applications and metallographic techniques
Microstructure and Properties of Surface Coatings
Microscopy for Structure/Property/Performance Evaluations
Metals and Alloy: applications/environmental implications
Failure Investigations
Quality Control, Quantitative Metallography and ISO 9000/14000
For more information please contact with general chairman,
Dr Chris Bagnall at MSC.Associates Inc.-P.O.Box 3267- Greensburg, PA 15601
(USA) 724.836.7837 (phone/fax) - email <>
Abstract must be received no later then 10 January 2000 by
ASM website at Click on Call for papers and follow the
instructions for submitting and abstract.
Mail or fax to IMS Convention Administrator, ASM International,
Materials Park, OH 4073-0002, 440.338.4634 (USA)
Email to <>
Krzysztof Jan Huebner
<> :-)
Instytut Odlewnictwa
ul Zakopianska 73 telefon (0-12) 2618111 wew 356
30-418 Krakow faks (0-12) 2660870
Received on Mon Sep 6 09:55:05 1999
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