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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 17:38:56 +0100
From: Antoni Grau <>
To: "" <>
Subject: 7th IEEE Intl Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'99)
** Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this document **
7th IEEE International Conference on
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'99)
October 18-22, 1999 - UPC, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Sponsored by: IEEE The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Eng.
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and
UPC Polytechnical University of Catalonia
In Technical Cooperation with: CentreCIM(UPC-ICT), Barcelona, Spain,
Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Japan
* Aim:
The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and
practitioners from the industry and academia and provide them with
a platform to report on recent developments in the newly emerging
areas of technology, as well as actual and potential applications
to factory automation.
* Topics within the scope of the workshop will include:
- Factory Communications: MAP, FAIS, Cell Networks, Fieldbusses,
Wireless Communication, High Speed Networks.
- Automated Manufacturing Systems: Architectures and Operations:
CAD/CAE/CAM, Planning, Scheduling, Reliability, FMS, CIM, IMS,
ADS, Human Factors.
- Automated Manufacturing Systems Development Methodology: Petri
Nets, Simulation, Queuing Networks, Perturbation Analysis,
Concurrent Engineering, Rapid Prototyping
- Virtual Manufacturing Environment: Virtual Reality&Telesensation,
Multimedia, Prototyping
- Discrete - Event/Hybrid Systems and Control. Discrete and
Continuous Manufacturing, Supervisory Control
- Semiconductor Manufacturing Automation: Planning, Scheduling,
Modeling and Control, Performance Evaluation
- Automation: Industrial Automation, Process Automation,
Programmable Logic Control
- Computational Intelligence in Factory Automation: Expert Systems,
Fuzzy Systems, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Chaos,
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Industrial
Applications of Intelligent Systems
- Micromachines: Fabrication Technology, Design Issues, Computer
Based Development Tools, Applications of Micromachines
- Intelligent Robots & Systems: Learning & Evolution, Artificial
Life, Emotions, Perception & Recognition, Human-Robot
Interaction, Group Behavior, Biorobotics
- Intelligent Mechatronics: Intelligent Sensors, Machine Vision
and Intelligence, Actuators and Motion Control, Multisensor
Fusion and Integration, Intelligent Robots and Systems,
Cooperative Works
- Manufacturing Information Systems: CIM, DSS, Product Management
Systems, Business Process Reengineering, Information System
Design, Command and Control in Manufacturing
- Numerical Simulation Tools for Factory Automation. Graphical
Tools, Numerical Interpretation, Numerical Methods, Numerical and
Graphical Finite Elements.
* Submission of Papers:
The working language of the conference is English.
Three types of submissions are solicited.
Long Papers - limited to 20 double-space pages.
Short Papers - limited to 8 double-space pages.
Work-in-Progress - submissions based on 1000 words.
Submissions should be formatted as follows: First page: title,
authors, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and electronic
mail address of each author (please designate one author for
correspondence), preferred topical and subject areas. Second
page: title, authors' names and affiliations, 100 word abstract
(for Long/Short submissions), and 50 word abstract (for
Work-in-Progress submissions). Third and succeeding pages:
Long/Short Paper or Work-in-Progress Manuscript.
Submit five copies of each, in English, to ETFA'99 Secretariat:
Mrs. Barbara Schmitt
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
Modul C1, Campus Nord, UPC.
Gran Capita s/n, 08034 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Tel: + 34 93 401 64 87; Fax: + 34 93 401 65 17
* Paper Acceptance:
Each accepted paper must be presented at the conference by one of
the authors. The final manuscript must be accompanied by a
registration form and a registration fee payment proof. All
conference attendees, including authors and session chairpersons,
must pay the conference registration fee, and their travel
* Author's Schedule:
Deadline for submission of proposals for special
sessions and tutorials ......................... March 15, 1999
Deadline for submission of long/short papers and
work-in-progress .............................. March 15, 1999
Notification of acceptance ....................... May 10, 1999
Deadline for submission of final manuscripts .... July 12, 1999
* Further Information:
Contact either the General Co-Chairmen, or ETFA'99 Workshop
Secretariat or the ETFA'99 Web Site
* ETFA'99 General Co-Chairs
Prof. Josep M. Fuertes
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Pau Gargallo 5,
E-08028 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Tel: +34 93 401 7290
Fax: +34 93 401 7045
Prof. Richard Zurawski
Cyberonics, 2625 Alcatraz Ave.,
Berkeley, CA 94705, USA
Tel: +1 925 937 9705
Fax: +1 925 937 9706
* ETFA'99 Steering Committee
H. Fujita, The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
F. Harashima, The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
A.C. Weaver, University of Virginia, USA
R Zurawski, The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
J.M. Fuertes, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
* ETFA'99 Program Chairs
Alicia Casals, UPC-ESAII, Barcelona, Spain
Joan Batlle, UdG, Girona, Spain
* Program Committee Track Chairs
J-D. Decotignie, Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtech.
J-M. Proth, INRIA-Lorraine, France.
H-M. Hanish, Univ. of Magdeburg, Germany.
R. Ferre, CentreCIM UPC/ICT Barcelona Spain.
M. Silva, U. Zaragoza, Spain.
M. Desmulliez, Heriot-Watt U. Scotland, UK.
M. Marcos, Univ. of Basque Country, Spain
J. Aguilar-Martin, LAAS, Toulouse, France
J. Ll. de la Rosa, Univ. of Girona, Spain
A.T. de Almeida, U. Coimbra, Portugal.
G. Roberts, Mechatronics Research C. UK.
H. Fujita, University of Tokyo, Japan.
M. Hoummady, LPMO/CNRS, France.
N. Komoda, Osaka University, Japan.
E. Onate, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain.
* ETFA'99 Tutorials Chair
J. Ojeda, CentreCIM UPC/ICT Barcelona Spain.
* ETFA'99 Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee Chair: Antoni Grau, UPC, Spain
Publications: Rita M. Planas, UPC, Spain
Finance: Ricard Villa, UPC, Spain
Web Site Maintenance: Jesus Galceran, UPC, Spain
Publicity: Pere Mares, UPC, Spain
Registration: Andreu Catala, UPC, Spain
Local Arrangements: Xavier Parra, UPC, Spain
In special collaboration with the Tecnosalones fair
"Salon de la Automatizacion y Control Industrial"
Barcelona, October 20-22, 1999
Received on Fri Dec 11 11:50:18 1998
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