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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 07:56:49 +0100
From: Michael Gilchrist <Michael.Gilchrist@UCD.IE>
Subject: Damage Assessment Conference - Dublin, Ireland
Dear Colleague,
Please find below a Call for Papers for a conference on Damage Assessment
of Structures that is being held in Dublin, June 28-30, 1999 in association
with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Institute of Physics and
the EPSRC (UK). Should you wish to attend or present a paper you should
note that the closing date for receipt of abstracts is only a few weeks
Following the two successful meetings on Damage Assessment using
Advanced Signal Processing Procedures (Pescara 1995 and Sheffield 1997), a
conference on the topic of Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS 1999) has
been organised in association with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
(RoI Branch), Institute of Physics (Stress and Vibration Group) and the
Institution of Engineers of Ireland. The aim of the conference is to bring
together the experience of scientists and engineers who are interested in
non-destructive damage assessment and structural health monitoring. The
conference will cover both theoretical issues and experimental techniques
relevant to the subject. Novel approaches to signal processing and papers
on multidisciplinary research are particularly welcome. A special session
on the activities of a recently organised UK network of researchers (funded
by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) investigating
structural integrity and damage assessment will be included.
For participants who are interested in broadening their
knowledge of damage assessment procedures, an optional one day course has
been organised by Dr Chuck Farrar of the Los Alamos National Laboratories
which will take place on 27th June.
* Damage assessment strategies, modelling, detection and localisation
* Model-based damage assessment, methods of system identification
* Procedures for safety and residual life evaluation
* Developments and use of neural networks and combinatorial optimisation
* Aspects of smart/intelligent materials for health monitoring,
particularly with reference to composite materials
* Sensors: surface and embedded; selection, location and fusion
* Knowledge-based methods; machine learning & decisions
* Experimental techniques, monitoring procedures & instrumentation
* Optimal measurement strategies
* Novel approaches to machine condition monitoring
* Consequences of failure: environmental, liability and cost issues
* Case studies
James Sirkis, University of Maryland, USA
Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) on Space Vehicles:
A Space Shuttle Flight Experiment
Frank Matthews, Imperial College London, UK
Damage in Fibre-Reinforced Plastics: Its Nature, Consequences and Detection
David Zimmerman, University of Houston, USA
Looking Into the Crystal Ball:
The Continued Need for Engineering Judgement in Damage Detection
Czeslaw Cempel, Poznan Technical University, Poland,
Innovative Developments in Condition Monitoring
Geoff Tomlinson, University of Sheffield, UK
Structural Health Monitoring for Modern Systems and Materials
M Gilchrist, Chairman (Ireland)
JM Barton (UK)
F Brancaleoni (Italy)
C Farrar (USA)
MI Friswell (UK)
L Garibaldi (Italy)
P Irving (UK)
J Mottershead (UK)
HG Natke (Germany)
P O'Donoghue (Ireland)
W Ostachowicz (Poland)
A Rytter (Denmark)
W Staszewski (UK)
N Stubbs (USA)
C Surace (Italy)
K Worden (UK)
Please send a succinct one page abstract which clearly describes the
content of the proposed paper. A complete abstract must include the
* Title of paper.
* Author's name, postal address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail
* Abstract
* Approximately three keywords or topics identified in the Conference
Themes in this brochure.
Abstracts can be submitted by mail, fax, online following the instructions
at the web site, and e-mail. To prevent any conversion difficulties, DO NOT
use the file attachment option in your e-mail system. Place the abstract
directly into the e-mail message you are sending. The conference
proceedings will be published and will be available to delegates at the
Papers prepared and presented by registered, full-time postgraduate
students will be eligible for consideration for the Young Researcher's
* Receipt of Abstracts: 1st November 1998
* Notification to Authors: 23rd November 1998
* Receipt of Full Papers: 31st January 1999
* Referees Comments: March 1999
* Receipt of Final Papers: 19th April 1999 ++
* Final programme: May 1999
* Date of Symposium: 28th - 30th June 1999
++ Registration must be fully complete by this date to ensure your
paper's inclusion in the proceedings.
DAMAS '99 will be held in University College Dublin, Ireland from 28th -
30th June 1999. Dublin is rated as one of the top European cities for short
break holidays while Ireland offers unparalleled access to a countryside
unspoiled by the clamour of a heavily industrialised society. Dublin is
readily accessible by air or by ferry. Direct flights are available to
Dublin from most major European destinations and from the USA. Daytime high
temperatures for Dublin in June are a very pleasant 18-22°C.
* Hill walking in Glendalough - 9th Century Monastic site, the oldest tin
mines in Ireland and the garden of Ireland
* Banquet - Dublin Castle betimes a Palace, a Prison, a Police Station and
seat of the former colonial government. Now fully restored
Some exhibition space is available. Please contact the secretariat if your
company is interested in advertising its activities.
Dr M Gilchrist
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University College Dublin,
Dublin 4
Phone: +353-1-7061890
Fax: +353-1-2830534
Received on Tue Oct 20 15:55:16 1998
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