Krzysztof Jan Huebner
<> :-)
Research Materials Department
Manager Structural and Physical Research Laboratory
str. Zakopianska 73 Call (*48 12) 2665022 ext.356
30-418 KRAKOW - POLAND Fax (+48 12) 2660870
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 15:36:52 +0100
From: Dr G.D.Wilcox <G.D.Wilcox@LBORO.AC.UK>
Subject: Research Studentship
Research Studentship
'Improved Austenitic Steels for Nuclear Reactor Cores'
A studentship is available under the CASE scheme with BNFL Magnox
Generation. The proposed study involves developing heat treatments and
operational parameters for more reliable nuclear reactor core materials.
Specific materials of interest are high temperature austenitic steels used
in tubes, ducting and cladding applications and the aim will be to predict
ways of avoiding irradiation-assisted intergranular stress corrosion
cracking of these materials. The study will involve substantial
mathematical modelling and will use, for the first time, the new Midlands
field emission gun transmission electron microscope facility.
Further details and applications to:
Prof. R.G. Faulkner,
Power and Aerospace Materials Research Group,
Loughborough University,
Leicestershire. LE11 3TU. UK.
Tel: 01509 223153
Fax: 01509 223949
Received on Thu Jul 2 11:39:09 1998
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