First Announcement S4G International Conference on
Stereology, Spatial Statistics and Stochastic Geometry
Prague, Czech Republic, 21 June - 25 June 1999
under the auspices of
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Czech Technical University
Charles University
Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics
International Advisory Committee:
J. Cwajna ( Poland )
D. Jeulin ( France )
L. Kubinova ( Czech Republic )
B. Pakkenberg ( Denmark )
D. Stoyan ( Germany )
Next in the series of conferences on Stereology and related sciences
held in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic (CMMSIA'82,
CASIA'88, 6ECS'93).
This conference will be a meeting of scientists interested in spatial
data evaluation, stochastic modelling and geome1rical sampling.
Participation of people from applied fields is strongly desired,
including quantitative microscopy and image processing.
Main topics of the conference are:
Application of Stereology and image analysis in life sciences and
material sciences.
Application of spatial statistics in geostatistics, environmental
and other sciences.
Stochastic geometry and random sets.
Integral geometry and theoretical Stereology.
Quantitative image analysis and mathematical morphology.
The scientific program will consist of keynote lectures, oral and
poster presentations. No parallel sessions are envisaged The
proceedings of contributed papers will be published
All scientific activities will be hosted by the Institute of Physiology,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, located in the southern part
of Prague with public transport connection to the center of the city.
Accommodation in hotels and student hostels in Prague will be offered
and cultural events for participants and accompanying persons will be
Registration and important date::
If you are interested, please, return the completed reply card
to the secretariat fill in the registration form on the conference
WWW page. Your camera-ready abstract not exceeding 200 words on A4
sheet with wide margins should be sent to the same address not later
than November 15, 1998. Alternatively you can send MS Word 6 file
(with True Type fonts included) as an attachment to E-mail. Then you
will receive the second announcement till the end of December. The
papers for the proceedings should be submitted by February 15, 1999.
Final program will be distributed during May.
Adjoining Course:
Serology in Plant Anatomy 27 June - 31 June 1999
(contact: albrecht@prfdec.natur.cuni.cz or kubinova@biomed.cas.cz)
Local Organising committee:
Viktor Benes, chairman
Jana Albrechtova
Vratislav Horalek
Jiri Janacek
Marie Jirkovska
Lucie Kubinova
Jan Rataj
Ivan Saxl
Conference Secretariat:
Jiri Janacek
Institute of Physiology
Videnska 1083
142 00 Praha Czech Republic
Fax: (4202) 44472269
Phone: (4202) 4752768
E-mail: janacek@biomed.cas.cz
WWW page:
The most Important dates:
Abstract: November 15, 1998
Papers: February 15, 1999
Jiri Janacek
Institute of Physiology
Videnska 1083
142 20 Praha
Czech Republic
Registration form:
Title of my oral/poster presentation:
Krzysztof Jan Huebner
<hubner@IOd.krakow.pl> :-)
Research Materials Department
Manager Structural and Physical Research Laboratory
str. Zakopianska 73 Call (*48 12) 2665022 ext.356
30-418 KRAKOW - POLAND Fax (+48 12) 2660870
Received on Wed Jun 24 10:18:17 1998
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