Good Morning,
In april 20-24 1998 in Amsterdam, the Netherlnads is made "7th European
Congress For Strereology"
title "trends and challenges in stereology"
adres local organizing committee:
Congress Secretariat
VU Conference Service
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel: +31 (0)20 4445790
fax: +31 (0)20 4445825
Krzysztof Jan Huebner
<> :-)
Research Materials Department
Structural and Physical Research Laboratory
Zakopianska 73 Call +48 12 605022 ext. 356
30-418 KRAKOW - POLAND Fax +48 12 665478, + 48 12 660870
Received on Thu May 8 12:23:20 1997
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