Szanowni Panstwo,
Mam zaszczyt zawiadomic, ze w dniu 14 kwietnia br. w Instytucie
Odlewnictwa w Krakowie, ul Zakopianska 73 o godzinie 12
Dr George F. Vander Voort,
Director, Research and Technology,
Buehler Ltd,
Lake Bluff, IL, USA
wyglosi referat pt:
"Measuring Second Phase by Image Analysis"
Image analysis equipment has come a long way since the "Quantimet
A" was introduced, more than thirty years ago. We have seen a
progression from analog to digital systems, from very expensive
hard-wired units to inexpensive, fully software driven systems,
from low resolution to high resolution, from tube to solid state
cameras - the progress never stops. All of these developments
have made image analysis, more capable and more powerful for
solving industrial and research problems. An their improvement
could not have come at better time since there is need for
quality monitoring using SPC tools which depend upon quantitative
data. This talk will be briefly review the progress made in image
analysis technology and then will describe ASTM standards for
Quantitative metallography, concentrating on E1245. Examples will
be given showing its value in discriminating difference in oxide
content in bearing steels made by different steelmaking
UWAGA: Referat w calosci bedzie tlumaczony na jezyk polski.
Jednoczesnie prosze o rozeslanie tej wiadmosci do osob
Lacze wyrazy szacunku
Krzysztof Jan Huebner
<> :-)
Research Materials Department
Structural and Physical Research Laboratory
Zakopianska 73 Call +48 12 605022 ext. 356
30-418 KRAKOW - POLAND Fax +48 12 660870, + 48 12 665478
Received on Mon Apr 7 11:39:12 1997
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