Data: Fri 14 Feb 1997 - 05:21:15 MET

         I hope this group is appropriate to help me with the following.  
         If not, please accept my apologies and maybe someone can point 
         me in the right direction.  Also excuse the cross-posting.

         I have done extensive research trying to find information for 
         Attapulgite (Fuller's Earth), but to no avail.  
         Can anyone help locate or provide information regarding Attapulgite
         (Fuller's Earth)?  
         For example, I am looking for things such as: 

- the amounts of high quality, high purity Attapulgite sold.
- how much is mined and how much is sold, usually that used in
the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.
- what are the market requirements for this product? Is there a
demand for it?
- is it presently being used as a filler and/or stabilizer?
- what materials can it replace - for example, possibly
bentonite? I think you should get the idea. Any help and pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Eliezer WNIC POB 321 Neveh Dekalim ISRAEL email: Fax: 972 7 6847 982 Tel: 972 7 6846 079

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Thu 04 Mar 2004 - 20:43:02 MET