The Atlas - May Update (ADV)

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Data: Thu 01 May 2003 - 00:07:59 MET DST
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The Atlas - Many Roads; One Way. Visit us: May, 2003 Update (Vol. 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of an Era by Adam Porter The Bay Area Renaissance Festival will no longer be seen in Largo Park. The permanent medieval buildings will be gone to make room for what the city leaders of Largo believe will be bigger and better things. We believe they're wrong. For more, visit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Never Look Back by Adam Porter Your church has a glorious new building for the cause of Christ and your pastor drives a new Caddie, presumably for the same cause. The basketball rim that was broken is now gone and the neighborhood kids have deserted the naked backboard for the city courts where they learn about gangs, drugs and how to steal your pastors new Caddie. For more, visit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who is God Anyway? by Mike Hader When someone says God, or asks you 'who is God' , what comes to mind? Does it have a face, or shape?? Or is it just a hapless blob of some shapeless thing? For more, visit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost & Wandering by Eddie Po Years of wandering have caused you to forget the time you lost your innocence, but you can never forget the day. It haunts your days and causes many sleepless nights. You fear this day may never leave you. You were young then, bold and opportunistic. For more, visit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All contents of this publication (C) Atlas Inc. 2003 HELP STOP SPAM.
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Received on Thu May 1 00:08:01 2003

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