>>Greetings--My husband and I will be spending a year in Lodz. (I'll be
>>teaching American Studies, American Lit. and Film at the University of
>>Lodz.) We've read info in history books and guidebooks, but would
>>welcome additional insights from any of you "in the know."
>There is a IRC channel #Lodz. Sometimes you can find few people there.
>Andrzej Kajetanowicz
>Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
You can find some info about Lodz on WWW pages.
Just search for proper words. :-)
Here in Lodz thre is a small English speaking people.
Some are even computer literate but they have no free access
to the net.
So you will meet them here at the University in person.
Received on Tue May 14 03:05:31 1996
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