My personel recommendation!

Autor: <>
Data: Sun 18 Feb 1996 - 22:38:38 MET
Message-Id: <v01520d15ad4d4bc07e23@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


I have to admit it. I have to be one of SpAmKiNgs biggest fans. He has
made for me a small fortune that I would not have made without his
fantastic service!

My name is Bob Soren. I am an educator at Arizona State University. I am
helping my friend with an autoresponder service. Please visit the WEB page
I have set up. Its alot tongue in cheek, But needless to say I use the
service frequently!

There are some good and negative issues on the page, However if you are a
gorilla marketer like I am, you won't want to miss this one!

Just hit reply and I will send you details!

Best regards,
Prof. Soren
Received on Sat Feb 24 20:56:41 1996

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