Prosba od informatyka z Bulgarii

Autor: <>
Data: Thu 22 Feb 1996 - 12:52:25 MET
Message-ID: <>

Czy ktos z Panstwa moglby pomoc na tak zadane pytanie

>Would you help me to find the scientific impact factors of the journals
>in the field of computer science and electrical engineering.
>I stared search a week ago and managed to find some
>useful addresses (e.g. hppt://, etc.)
>but at the moment we have not access to WWW and internet
>due to network problems.
>I will be very grateful if you help me to find this
>very important information to make the right decisions.

>Emil Gasdarski (ROUSSE - Bulgaria)
Received on Thu Feb 22 12:47:33 1996

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