---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 95 18:27:54 METDST
From: Tomek Przechlewski <ekotp@univ.gda.pl>
To: Jolanta Szelatynska <mjsz@slc1.cc.uni.torun.pl>
Subject: ET95
Tych, ktorzy nie zdecydowali sie w czerwcu informuje, ze
jest jeszcze kilka wolnych miejsc w autobusie jadacym na
Europejska Konferencje TeX-owa w Arnhem. Zainteresowani powinni
dzialac szybko bo wyjazd juz 2 wrzesnia.
Przypominam, ze wysokosc oplaty obejmujacej dojazd
i czterodniowy pobyt wynosi 425 zl dla czlonkow GUST-u i 450 zl
dla pozostalych osob. Oplate nalezy wplacic na konto:
GUST -- Polska Grupa Uzytkownikow Systemu TeX
Bank Gdanski
II oddzial w Gdansku
lub miec przy sobie w dniu wyjazdu.
Zalaczam formularz zgloszeniowy i program konferencji.
T. Przechlewski (ekotp@halina.univ.gda.pl)
EuroTeX'95, Sept 4-8, 1995 Registration Form
Papendal Nationaal Sport Centrum
Arnhem, The Netherlands
Mail to:
EuroTeX registration
Ruud H. Koning
Liendenhof 137
1108 HH Amsterdam ZO
The Netherlands
tel/fax +31 20 6917260
Email: rhkoning@xs4all.nl
One form per registrant. If you need additional registration forms,
please copy this form or contact the EuroTEX'95 committee. Please check
the appropriate boxes and return this form to the EuroTeX registration
at the address above.
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Affiliation: ________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________ FAX: ____________________________
E-mail: _____________________________________________________________________
Special Dietary Needs: ______________________________________________________
Other Special Requirements: _________________________________________________
Choice of free tutorial: ____________________________________________________
Other tutorials: ____________________________________________________________
|__| East European TEX bus pickup at: ______________________________________
Prices are in Dutch guilders:
Additional Tutorials: @ f 70 _________
|__| Additional copies of proceedings: # ________ @ f 20 _________
Meeting Subtotal f _________
Total Payment f _________
Please pay the equivalent amount of money to the
Polish TeX Users Group GUST.
> ======================================================================
EuroTeX'95 The TeX Toolbox.
For more info on registration, ftp to CTAN, tex-archive/usergrps/info, WWW
to http://www.cs.ruu.nl/~piet/eurotex, or email to eurotex-info_at_cs.ruu.nl.
(Items marked `*' are not confirmed yet)
Monday a.m.
Welcome Reception and registration of conference attendants.
Monday p.m. (14:00-18:30)
Theme: I) Fonts
VFComb -- a program for design of virtual fonts
S. Turtia, A.Berdikov
The Conversion of the Euler Metafont sources to PostScript Type1
E.J. Vens
EC and DC fonts
J. Knappen
Theme: II) Multiple languages
A package for Church Slavonic type-setting
A.F. Slepuhin
A Russian style for Babel: problems and solutions
O. Lapko, I. Makhovaya
Y. Haralambous
Status of Babel
J. Braams
Tuesday a.m. (9:00-12:30)
Theme: Graphics and packages
Graphics in TeX: a new implementation
A.V. Astrelin
TeX Plotter -- program for creating 2D and 3D pictures
S. Turtia, A. Berdikov
Typesetting Commutative Diagrams
G. Feruglio
Package for typesetting chemical diagrams
J. Hagen
MusixTeX, a package for typesetting music
D. Taupin
Tuesday p.m.
13:30-14:30: NTG meeting.
Theme: Electronic documents
Presentation of Acrobat
W. Tierie
Producing electronic books? -- all you need is TeX!
J. Hagen
SGML, a practical introduction
M. Goossens
From LaTeX to HTML, and back
M. Goossens
SGML, Acrobat, LATEX, HyperTeX
S. Rahtz*
Panel discussion.
Wednesday a.m.
Theme: Tools I
DaTeX, TeX macros for storing and retrieving data
R. Koning, S. Kliffen, A. Lenstra
TeX: an unsuitable language for document markup?
P. Taylor
Blue's Data Bases
K. van der Laan
Occam's razor and macro management
L. Siebenmann
Formating Pascal using TeX
P. Palao, M. Nunez
Wednesday p.m.
Theme: General developments in TEX and LATEX
C. Rowley*
e-TeX: A 100%-compatible successor to TeX.
P. Taylor
Y. Haralambous
Joachim Schrod
Panel discussion.
16:00-???: the social event, still a secret...
Thursday a.m.
Theme: Tools II
\csname u n d e f i n e d \endcsname = \relax: feature or flaw?
P. Taylor
Atomic fonts and electronic archiving of scientific documents
L. Siebenmann
The W95 Environment
A. Strejc
Indexing with `Any'TeX
K. van der Laan
Metafont as generator of EPS graphics
B. Jackowski
Thursday p.m. and Friday
Theme: Tutorials
Parallel sessions.
Sweet-TeX tutorial
L. Siebenmann
Page layout in LaTeX
P. van Oostrum
TeXing Paradigms
K. van der Laan
K. van der Laan
B. Jackowski
e-TeX tutorial
P. Taylor
Workshop on Acrobat and electronic document delivery
M. Goossens & S. Rahtz
-- Piet van Oostrum <piet@cs.ruu.nl> http://www.cs.ruu.nl/~piet September 4-8 Arnhem, The Netherlands Conference information ======================================================================== The EuroTeX conference 1995, including tutorials, will take place from September 4th until September 8th in the Netherlands. The conference will be held at Papendal, near the city of Arnhem. Papendal is located in one of the most beautiful areas of the Netherlands. Right in the middle of the vast woods of the province of Gelderland. About eight kilometers west of Arnhem. Tucked away under the lee of the green Veluwe-fringe. The conference starts on September 4th in the afternoon and runs until September 7th noon. Thursday afternoon and Friday September 8th are reserved for tutorials. The theme of the conference is: The TeX Toolbox. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meeting costs The registration fee includes the Welcome Reception on Monday, all lunches from Monday to Thursday, all dinners from Monday to Wednesday and one copy of the proceedings. One tutorial (1/2 day) is included in the conference fee. Extra tutorials cost Dfl 70 each. Lunch on Friday is Dfl 15. The conference fee also includes the `social event' on Wednesday afternoon and evening. Conference rates: - members of TUG or Local TEX User Groups (please specify): Dfl 375 - others: Dfl 450 Reservations of hotel rooms at the conference site can only be done by the EuroTeX organisation committee. Papendal offers the following accomodation: - single rooms Dfl 90 per day per person - double rooms Dfl 75 per day per person - quadruple rooms Dfl 50 per day per person (breakfast included). Accomodation is limited, so register as soon as possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Further information If you can ftp, get information from CTAN (ftp.shsu.edu, ftp.dante.de, ftp.ac.uk) or from ftp.cs.ruu.nl, from directory [/pub/]tex-archive/usergrps/info. If you have access to a WWW browser you can go to http://www.cs.ruu.nl/~piet/eurotex. There you can find the program, a registration form and other useful information. You also can get the information by sending an e-mail message to mail-server@cs.ruu.nl In the body of the message give the following commands: BEGIN SEND eurotex/xxxxx END where xxxxx should be replaced by any of the filenames below. More than one SEND command is allowed, but each line should have a single filename. eurotex.eps EuroTeX logo eurotex95-form.asc Registration form (ASCII) eurotex95-form.dvi Registration form (DVI) eurotex95-form.html Registration form (HTML) eurotex95-form.ps Registration form (Postscript) eurotex95-form.tex Registration form (TeX) eurotex95.dvi Program (DVI) eurotex95.html Program (HTML) eurotex95.ps Program (Postscript eurotex95.tex Program (LaTeX) eurotex95.txt Program (ASCII) exchange.html Dutch currency exchange rates papendal.gif Traveling directions (GIF picture for motorways) papendal.html Traveling directions (HTML) papendal.ps Traveling directions (Postscript papendal.txt Traveling directions (ASCII without picture) programpage.ps Program (1 Page summary in Postscript) If you need other, personal information, email to the conference committee at eurotex-org@cs.ruu.nl, or in case of registration questions contact the registration supervisor: Dr. Ruud H. Koning Liendenhof 137 1108 HH Amsterdam ZO The Netherlands tel/fax (+31)(0)20-691726 email: rhkoning@xs4all.nl WWW: http://www.xs4all.nl/~rhkoningReceived on Tue Aug 22 11:31:06 1995
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