Ekspress Lodzki (fwd)

Autor: Piotr Wilk <piotrwi_at_man.lodz.pl>
Data: Mon 26 Jun 1995 - 13:13:11 MET DST
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.950626131216.10739B-100000@polonez.man.lodz.pl>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


Dostalem nietypowa prosbe. Moze ktos bedzie w stanie pomoc?


Piotr Wilk                            Politechnika Lodzka, Centrum Komputerowe
email: piotrwi@man.lodz.pl	           Zaklad Miejskiej Sieci Komputerowej
email: piotrwi@zsku.p.lodz.pl             tel. 48/42/312835  fax: 48/42/312839
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 95 21:50:36 -700
From: Wlodzimierz Rozenbaum <rita.rozenbaum@his.com>
To: piotrwi@man.lodz.pl
Subject: Ekspress Lodzki
I am not sure if you will be able to answer my question, but I am
interested in comix series published in 1947-1948 in Ekspress.
There were two of them: WICEK I WACEK and KRZYCKI I MROCZEK. The
first one was even published later in a book form in black and
white edition and in color edition. Are you aware of any archival
resources in Lodz that may have these? Perhaps, somebody would 
try to rescue and revive these publications by putting them on
I like your homepage and I look forward to visiting it in the
Vlady R.
Received on Mon Jun 26 13:13:11 1995

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