> Może się w końcu coś ruszy. Takie informacje gdyby się potwierdziły,
Miejmy nadzieje. Co jest jednak zrodlem tej energii? Fuzja protonow na
kataliztorze niklowym z jakims tajemniczym dodatkiem (Rossi go nie
ujawnia)? Rossi zdaje sie twierdzil, ze powstaje Cu. Ale badania proszku
jaki dostarczyl dla Szwedow wykazaly, ze sklad izotopowy Cu jaki znajdowal
sie w dostarczonej probce odpowiadal naturalnemu, co wskazuje, ze Rossi
prawdopodobnie sfalszowal probke dosypujac do niej Cu.
Watpliwe jest aby zachodzila synteza jadrowa Ni + H = Cu, bo ta reakcja
jest endoenergetyczna, jak ktos zreszta wyjasnil w jednym z komentarzy
cytowanych nizej. No chyba, ze energia z fuzji wodoru powoduje
jednoczesnie ubocznie synteze Cu z Ni i H, ale dlaczego akurat o
naturalnym skladzie izotopowym?
Poza tym nie wykrywa sie zadnego zwiekszonego promieniowania
radioaktywnego, gdy urzadzenie dziala - czy to mozliwe przy takich
E-Cat Validation Creates More Questions:
Third-Party E-Cat Test Results Published:
BTW, konkurencja Rossiego:
"I´m not a geologist or physicist but I am an astrophysicist with a
professional interest in nucleosynthesis.
All the elements on the periodic table you saw on the wall in high school
chemistry, other than hydrogen and some of the helium, and a tiny amount
of lithium, were manufactured by fusion processes in stars. A majority of
stars, referred to as main sequence stars such as the sun, are happily
fusing hydrogen (H) to helium (He) and releasing huge amounts of energy.
They do this for most of their lives. It takes 4 hydrogens to produce 1
helium. If you looked at the atomic masses on those chemistry classroom
walls, you would see that a He is 0.7% less massive than 4xH. This missing
mass, which is referred to as binding energy, is where the energy that
powers the universe comes from via Einstein´s famous equation. The binding
energy of atomic nuclei decreases from H to Fe and then increases from Fe
(and one Ni isotope) to uranium and beyond.
The problem with Mr Rossi´s e-cat is that fusion only produces energy for
elements up to iron (Fe). This is because the mass of elements from from H
to Fe is less than the total mass of the lighter elements fused to
synthesize them. When stars start producing iron in their cores, their
life is over as there are no more energy producing fusion reactions that
can take place.
So, you might ask, where do the other elements - cobalt and beyond - come
from? The answer is, during the dramatic collapse that occurs when the
core stops producing energy in the seconds after iron synthesis begins,
the gravitational potential energy of the star is released causing the the
internal temperature of the star to spike to hundreds of millions of
kelvins and all the heavy elements are produced and then blown out into
space in the supernova explosion that ends the stars life. Heavy element
synthesis requires energy input! The heavier the element, the more rare it
is. Of course heavy elements can produce energy by fission where the
reaction products are lighter than the starting nucleus, which is how all
nuclear energy on earth is currently produced.
Now to the question of how copper (Cu) is made in nature. it happens in
supernova explosions and require a huge energy input. Cu has 29 protons
and either 34 or 36 neutrons. It has an standard mass of 63.546 atomic
mass units (amu). Nickel has 28 protons and 30, 32, 33, 34 or 36 neutrons
with an standard mass of 58.6394 amu. Also, hydrogen has one proton and
either 0, 1 or 2 neutrons and an standard mass of 1.00794 amu. So
depending on the isotopes involved, Ni can be fused with 1 to 9 H to make
Cu. If you do the calculations for the 9 possible fusion reactions to
produce Cu from Ni and H, you come up 0.05 amu short. This small mass
deficit is made up by the energy input to the reaction to make it run. To
put this into perspective, the fusion reaction for 58.6394 grams of nickel
plus 4.857g of H to get 63.546g of copper needs an extra 0.05g of energy.
Using E=mc^2, the energy requirement is about 4.49 terajoules which is 250
megawatts of power input.
There is no energy output in making copper from nickel. That is of course
unless Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Enrico Fermi, Erwin Schrodinger,
Richard Feynman and others are wrong and Rossi is right. When Einstein
said Newton was wrong about gravity, he was courteous enough to publish a
paper in 1905 pointing out the problems with Newtonian gravity and how
General Relativity addressed them. Rossi is essentially declaring Quantum
Theory and Special Relativity incorrect and has provided nothing to
explain why. In a Rossi universe, everything would be uranium or heavier
elements as the physical laws as we understand them would not apply.
I do not approve of intellectual dishonesty."