Re: akumulator o³owiowy i efekty relatywistyczne

Autor: krzysztof kleszcz <>
Data: Sun 16 Jan 2011 - 09:25:13 MET
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2

W dniu 15 stycznia 2011 11:49 u¿ytkownik Witek Mozga <>napisa³:

> Znalaz³em ciekaw± rzecz na New Scientist (kopiujê bo nie zawsze jest
> online)

> okazuje siê, ¿e akumulatory o³owiowe 80% mocy uzyskuj± dziêki efektom
> relatywistycznym:

Ciekawe, ale czego¶ tu nie rozumiem. Bo to przecie¿ nic dziwnego, ¿e
bardziej na³adowane j±dro atomowe silniej przyci±ga elektron ni¿ j±dro
s³abiej na³adowane (porównanie Pb i Sn z tekstu). Je¶li wprost mo¿na to
prze³o¿yæ na napiêcie uzyskiwane z ogniw Pb lub Sn, to wiadomo ¿e z Pb
bêdzie ono wiêksze. Zatem nie rozumiem gdzie tu jest "hicior" - dopiero
teraz odkryto, ¿e te prêdko¶ci to dla o³owiu 0,6c ? Jak na artyku³ z 2011 to
chyba ma³o odkrywcze? Czy co¶ pomijam?

> =====================
> Car batteries run on relativity
> Thank relativity every time your car starts. Lead-acid batteries get about
> 80
> per cent of their voltage from special relativistic effects.
> The transfer of electrons between two forms of lead in the batteries yields
> a
> potential of more than 2 volts, higher than most other batteries. But why
> they
> are so good has been a puzzle. Lighter weight tin, for example, which sits
> one
> row above lead in the periodic table, is too feeble to power a battery.
> Pekka Pyykkö at the University of Helsinki in Finland and colleagues have
> calculated that the stronger charges on the heavier lead nuclei attract
> electrons more powerfully, so they reach 60 per cent the speed of light
> compared to tin's 35 per cent. According to relativity, this gives the
> electrons higher effective masses, increasing their binding energy to the
> electrode that attracts them and thus their voltage.
> Without these relativistic effects, Pyykkö and colleagues calculate that
> lead-
> acid batteries would generate only 0.39 volts. With them, they predict 2.13
> volts, in good agreement with the measured 2.11 volts.
> "Batteries involving other heavy elements, such as mercury, will probably
> have
> very similar effects," Pyykkö told New Scientist.
> relativity.html
Received on Sun Jan 16 09:25:20 2011

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