Re: Oczyszczanie styrenu

Autor: <>
Data: Wed 22 Oct 2008 - 17:54:25 MET DST
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2

Styrene [IOO-42-51 M 104.2, b 41-42°/18mm, 145.2°/760mm, d 0.907, n 1.5469, n25
1.5441. Styrene is difficult to purify and keep pure. Usually contains added inhibitors (such as a trace of
hydroquinone). Washed with aqueous NaOH to remove inhibitors (e.g. tert-butanol), then with water, dried for
several hours with MgS04 and distd at 25O under reduced pressure in the presence of an inhibitor (such as
0.005% p-tert-butylcatechol). It can be stored at -78O. It can also be stored and kept anhydrous with Linde type
5A molecular sieves, CaH2, CaS04, BaO or sodium, being fractionally distd, and distd in a vacuum line just
before use. Alternatively styrene (and its deuterated derivative) were passed through a neutral alumina column
before use [Woon et al. J Am Chem SOC 108 7990 1986; Collman J Am Chem SOC 108 2588 19861.
"Chemia popularnonaukowa." <> napisał(a):
> Witam.
> Mam pytanie. Czy istnieje inna metoda oczyszczania monomeru styrenu niż
> przez destylację w destylarce próżniowej?
> --
> Pozdrawiam, Paweł Pędrak.
Received on Wed Oct 22 18:00:27 2008

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