Re[2]: prosba o pomoc w tlumaczeniu - spektroskopia

Autor: Krzysztof Kleszcz <>
Data: Thu 02 Nov 2006 - 13:41:29 MET
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

>> 2) mixture approach i continuum approach - to jakies metody,
>> przyblizenia, ale nie wiem jak to poprawnie nazwac (metoda mieszana,
>> metoda ciagla? chodzi mi tu nie tyle o doslowne tlumaczenie, co raczej
>> o polskie odpowiedniki)

MdG> Doslownie to by byla mieszanina podejscia lub ciaglosc podejscia co chyba ma
MdG> niewielki sens. Takze widzisz ze szerszy kontekst mile widziany. Najlepiej
MdG> to Przepisz caly ten kawalek (nieprzetlumaczony !) co zawiera te
MdG> sformuowania to moze uda mi sie cos wiecej znalezc.

MdG> Pozdrawiam
MdG> MdG

okej, dzieki za isosbestic , ponizej fragment z tymi 'approachami' :

" In recent years, continuing interest in the structure of liquid
water has prompted many measurements of the intensity distribution
across Raman and infrared bands of water, including the v(OH) and
v(OD) bands. In analyzing these measurements, the authors have usualy
followed one of two approaches. The mixture approach to band profiles
has been to divide the band analytically into two components
identified with "hydrogen bonded" and "non-hydrogen bonded" OH groups
in the liquid. The continuum approach has been to analyze the band
profiles in terms of a distribution of hydrogen-bond energies and
Received on Thu Nov 2 13:44:00 2006

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