Autor: Piotr K. Olszewski (
Data: Thu 11 Mar 2004 - 13:02:28 MET

Dawno, dawno temu w pieknym zamku mieszkala królewna... Lubicie bajki?

I wtedy smok zaczal pic wode. I pil, pil... Ale nie wierzycie juz w nie?

A moze lubicie inne bajki:

W obu cytowanych zródlach jest mowa o kilkuset tysiacach ofiar Czernobyla
Przy okazji: gdzie jest Czarnobyl? Nie moge znalezc go na mapie :-/ Czy tak trudno zauwazyc literke "e" w nazwie miejscowosci? Jest CzErnobyl i tyle! l/Stronagl/Pasek.htm

Szczerze mówiac mam dosc tych gadan o setkach tysiecy zgonów w wyniku choroby popromiennej. Problemem Ukrainy jest trywialny alkoholizm a w przyszlosci AIDS.

Proponuje przejrzec literature faktu z lat 2000-2003, publikowana w tzw. czasopismach naukowych.
Na przyklad:
Review: "Health efects of the Chernobyl accident: fears, rumours and the truth" Mati Rahu*
European Journal of Cancer 39 (2003) 295-299 Cytuje:
1. The only substantiated public health impact attributable to radiation exposure has been a sharp increase in childhood thyroid cancer (totalling approximately 1800 cases in three countries in 1990-1998). This .nding was initially received with great scepticism because of the short latency period, but is now widely accepted. Inadequate distribution of potassium iodide/ iodate tablets for preventative thyroid blocking of radioiodines, and living in endemic goitre regions, have further contributed to an unprecented epidemic of childhood thyroid cancer.
2. There is currently no internationally accredited evidence of an elevation in the risk of leukaemia. 3. There is no scientific evidence of an increase in overall cancer incidence or mortality that could be associated with radiation exposure.
4. There is no evidence of an increase in birth defects over time.
5. There is clear evidence of non-radiation-related psychological disorders due to fear of radiation, inevitable rumours of detrimental health efects, stress of relocation, economic hardships, highly politisised handling of the consequences of the accident, and some other factors. The Estonian Study of Chernobyl Cleanup Workers [27] found that there was a substantial excess of suicide during the first 6.5 years following the accident, possibly due to forced recruitment for clean-up, uncertainty about radiation dose and its efects, and about future radiation-related health risks. 6. Reports of health e.ects caused by radiation have been greatly exaggerated.


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