Autor: Andrzej Kasperowicz (
Data: Fri 18 Oct 1996 - 18:40:56 MET DST

Drodzy Chemfani!
Ponizszy tekst zapewne bardziej nadawalby sie na liste medyczna, ale poniewaz z pewnoscia dotyczy on wielu z nas (mam na mysli amalgamatowe wypelnienia, chociaz akurat w tym konkretnym liscie poruszany jest problem uranu), pozwole sobie go tu zacytowac i zachecam do odwiedzenia dwoch podanych w tekscie URLi - informacji i odnosnikow bedzie tam bardzo duzo, ale wystarczy przeczytac tylko fragmenty, zeby.....


Uranium used in teeth fillings??

Quoted an interesting extract below, something to think about.. I havent verified this one, it needs more checking out, but I wouldnt put it past em..

I do know that dentists have in the past used Cadmium in fillings, Asbestos for dressings, and of course Mercury is still used in Amalgam - about 1/2 gram per filling (thats a lot!). Those ARE hard facts.

Bosses site (below) lists even more fantastic chemicals that have found their way into teeth-fillings..
If anyone knows more about the Uranium story, I'd be interested to hear..

Certain you've got to ask yourself - if Dentists have used Asbestos & Cadmium in your mouth, how can you believe them when they tell you that the Mercury (#1 most toxic non-radioactive subtsance known to science) in your fillings is safe?


Visit my UK amalgam homepage at:- This provides a wide range of information, and also links to other important sources - The Amalgam FAQ, The BBC Panorama program summary, the IAOMT homepage, Bosses page, Dr Edelson Environmental medicine homepage, etc..

-----------------------------------EXTRACT FROM AMALGAM LIST--------

Linda Javins wrote:

>In a syndicated column, The Straight Dope, Cecil Adams says that uranium used
>to be put in crowns and false teeth to make them look bright! The process was
>patented in 1942 in the U.S. and was used a little in the U.S. and Germany.
>The process lost favor in the 70's and the U.S. government revoked permission
>to use it in the mid-80's because of safety concerns. Cecil says that most
>dental porcelain sold today is uranium-free. He also says: <quote> What's the
>safest dental material? One guess: real teeth... brush 'em after every meal,
>because who knows what the dental industry will think up next? <unquote>
>P.S. I saw this column in the Washington, DC City Paper, October 4 edition.
>They say that if you have America Online, you can visit the Straight Dope
>area. And you can send e-mail to the column through

If you are interested in what has been put into people's teeth for the last 30 years, take a look into Ulf Bengtsson's research into all documented materials. Still believe the dentists know what they are doing? You find the article at

It is a very thorough investigation. Take a look at the summary, and look into the case of N 2.



PS. The whole site will be completely redone during the autumn and winter.


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