Re: Zgroza 2000

Autor: rafii (
Data: Thu 16 Mar 2000 - 12:01:50 MET

Grzegorz Szyszlo napisał(a):
> A ja mam nadzieje ze wodzowie z unii eurpoejskiej pojda po rozum do
> glowy
> i wprowadza embargo na sprzedaz windows2000, do momentu usuniecia
> powyzszych nazwijmy to "dolegliwosci", ktore ja nazwe po imieniu:
> chamstwo.

Kończąc rozmowe [w tej kwestii chyba juz nic nie wymyslimy a nasze
poglady są zbiezne], forwarduje jedna z ostatnich informacji z Warpcasta
a'propos problemu bootmenagera i Win2000 [moze sie komus przydac; nie
kazdy to prenumeruje]:


Since the release of Win2000 there has been alot of discussion about
how Win2000 will kill the BM for OS/2 every time you boot Win2000. In
looking through the news groups today I stumbled across this bit of
news which should help everybody. The following is the text of how to
fix it.

  Windows 2000 RC2 did not destroy Boot Manager the way the final
  release version does. The problem has been traced to a single
  Win2000 file. The file is FASTFAT.SYS. It lives in the

  What you need to do is copy this file from a Win2000 RC2 (possibly
  earlier version also - I don't know) install onto your Win2000
  final version install above directories. You need to copy it to
  DLLCACHE first. This is a hidden directory, so you need to go to a
  command prompt and CD to it. Rename the original one first and then
  copy the RC2 version there. You will get an error message box about
  a system file being changed. Press CANCEL. Now copy the file into
  the DRIVERS directory. These directions assume you are doing the
  coping under Win2000. I guess if you do it under OS/2 it might be
  easier, I dunno. I did it under Win2000 because it's installed on a
  FAT32 partition so OS/2 can't see it.

  Anyways, reboot with your OS/2 install disks and re-install the
  Boot Manager. You can also add Win2000 to the Boot Manager. Now,
  when you boot Win2000, BM is no longer destroyed.
Przepraszam za brak tlumaczenia


Rafal Zawislak
icq: 22797583

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