Fwd: [WarpCast] StarOffice and OS2.

Autor: Bartosz Tomasik (Bart/2) (Bart2_at_asua.org.pl)
Data: Mon 22 Nov 1999 - 08:25:54 MET

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In the French "PC magazine" of Novembre 99, P 14, there is an article
about StarOffice and StarPortal. And the end of the page:

"La version 6 devrai sortir pour le printemps 2000, et elle sera
compatible avec Windows, Linux, Solaris, OS/2, et, fait nouveau, avec
Mac OS."


Version 6 of StarOffice should be released in Spring 2000 for
Windows, Linux, Solaris, OS/2, and, a new addition, Mac OS.

Usually, French magazines never speak of OS2.
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 Bart/2 irc:Ihsahn Bart2_at_asua.org.pl UIN:50890586
 Asu'a member http://www.asua.org.pl
 TeamOS/2 Polska http://www.teamos2.org.pl

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