Fwd: [WarpCast] Warp 3, add a new fixpak!

Autor: Przemyslaw Dobrowolski (dobrawka_at_asua.org.pl)
Data: Mon 04 Oct 1999 - 23:58:53 MET DST

Chyba nie tylko ja się uwziąłem :) Wszyscy chcą aby ten system żył:
==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
>From: "WarpCast News Service" <feedback_at_os2ezine.com>
>Reply-To: "WarpCast News Service" <feedback_at_os2ezine.com>

         Warpstock 99 - Atlanta, October 16-17, 1999
         Two fun filled days of OS/2 and YOU!
Registration discount has been extended to October 14th!
   Visit http://www.warpstock.org for full details
Source: Roderick Klein (rwklein_at_wxs.nl)
Moderator: Trevor Smith (trevor_at_haligonian.com)

Jerry McBride has written a REXX script that patches the
OS/2 system files syslevel.os2 and syslevel.mpm to allow
application of FixPaks greater than #40. This little
application actually fools the CSF installer into thinking
the target system is a LanServer 4.0 installation thus
allowing the update of Warp 3. The script will run on any
OS/2 system but is designed for Warp 3.0 (Blue Spine). You
can use the script on a Warp 3 (Red Spine) installation if
you do not use WinOS2. What a clever way to extend the life
of Warp 3!

The script is on Hobbes, currently at:


And its proposed resting place is:

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WarpCast, visit: http://www.warpcast.com/

===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE===================

*Przemek/2* - dobrawka_at_asua.org.pl
Asua Programmers http://www.asua.org.pl
This OS/2 system uptime is 0d 0h 19m 15s 312ms (en).

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 15:23:57 MET DST