Hmmm, dziwne

Autor: Lech Wiktor Piotrowski (
Data: Mon 20 Sep 1999 - 20:51:40 MET DST

Z Warp Expo West:

What's The Truth Behind 'The Meeting'?
                      Today is the first day of Warp Expo West and our
                      reporters are sending in a great many news stories.
                      First, let's start with the very much publicized meeting
                      Brad Wardell claims to have taken place yesterday
                      which is getting much airplay today.

                      According to an IBM official attending Warp Expo West,
                      no meeting took place yesterday on the future status of
                      OS/2. He should know, he sits on the committee itself.
                      On top of this he said IBM has ruled no third party entity
                      out of the running to offer a third party release of Warp

Lech Wiktor Piotrowski
TeamOS/2 Poland Webmaster
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