Fwd: [WarpCast] Netfinity 5.2 for OS/2 free download

Autor: Bartosz Tomasik (Bart/2) (Bart2_at_asua.org.pl)
Data: Sun 29 Aug 1999 - 16:20:36 MET DST

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Maybe I'm imagining things, but it appears that Netfinity
5.2 for OS/2 is available for a free download. At least,
parts of it are.

To see what's available, first go to
http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/netfinity/, then click on "Support"
at the left, then click on "Downloadable files" and then
"Netfinity Manager". Below, you'll find: "Client Services
for Netfinity Manager for OS/2 version 5.20.1 & 5.20.4" and
"Netfinity Manager for OS/2 (English) version 5.20.4".
Click on "OS/2" and you'll see a bunch of other OS/2 related

Netfinity is a family of distributed applications designed
to enhance the system monitoring and management capabilities
of a network. The client software is pretty useful for
examine your system (BIOS, peripherals, etc).
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 Bart/2 irc:Ihsahn Bart2_at_asua.org.pl
 Asu'a member http://www.asua.org.pl
 TeamOS/2 Polska http://www.teamos2.org.pl

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 15:23:32 MET DST