FWD: FtpServer new version

Autor: Grzegorz Szyszlo (znik_at_avalon.wbc.lublin.pl)
Data: Wed 27 Jan 1999 - 18:30:26 MET

Jak widac gosciu nie proznuje :)
wypuscil kolejna wersje ftp servera. poprzednia wersja miala jakies 3
od siebie dodam, ze w zipie jest tez wersja zrodlowa.

Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 11:57:27 +1100
From: Peter Moylan <peter_at_ecemail.newcastle.edu.au>
To: Peter Moylan <peter_at_ee.newcastle.edu.au>
Subject: FtpServer new version

FtpServer version 0.74 has two new features that people have been
requesting for a while: per-user bandwidth limits, and the option to
bind to a specific IP address in order to do virtual hosting.

I'm shuffling computers around today, so this version is not yet on the
server, but it should be there within the next couple of hours. Go to
ftp://eepjm.newcastle.edu.au/software, or look at the web page in my


Peter Moylan        peter_at_ee.newcastle.edu.au
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 \==============================================/ alotropowa  (by Znik)

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