Fwd: [WarpCast] Support the campain for Warp5

Autor: Leszek KUBRAK (infokub_at_pp.com.pl)
Data: Wed 21 Oct 1998 - 15:34:18 MET DST

Pomóżmy wszyscsy...

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21warp is the name for a campain to make IBM release a new
OS/2 client (warp5).

We take orders for Warp5 and then send them to IBM.

I have created a new logo for the campain that I would like
you to place on your page to support our campain and spread
the word ! And if you can help in any way, don hesitate to
contact me.

The 21warp campain:

Logotype with linking information:

Please help me to give you what you want !
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To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 15:18:41 MET DST