Fwd: [WarpCast] Aurora announcement

Autor: Leszek KUBRAK (infokub_at_pp.com.pl)
Data: Wed 14 Oct 1998 - 10:23:35 MET DST

No to żyje ten OS/2 czy nie ?

==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
IBM has announced that the next version of Warp Server,
titled "OS/2 Warp Server for e-business", will be released
by the end of this week, and also announced that WorkSpace
on-Demand 2.0 will be released on October 30.

For more information try

===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE===================

Leszek KUBRAK <infokub_at_pp.com.pl>

P.U.I. "InfoKub" tel.0-602-221956
os.Kolorowe 25/5 fax.(0-12)644-57-59
31-941 KRAKÓW

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