Data: Mon 31 Aug 1998 - 14:40:13 MET DST


Beware a company called "" I joined them at $9.95 per month several months ago as they promised unrestricted access to every available newsgroup so it sounded a good deal.
However, after i joined they have changed the access passwords several times and they do not automatically send you one but when you mail them to get the new one they don't reply. I mailed 4 times and all i got was a bot reply!
Also, they have 3 servers that are so slow as to be next to useless. I have had about 12 day's usage in the last couple of month's and i urge everyone to beware dealing with this company.
You may already be a member and had no problems. Fine! I am just letting people know about them as they have caused me problems. They are also still automatically taking money from my credit card even after i cancelled my account with them. I have reported them to Visa International and am trying to find what Police Dept covers their area so i can report them for taking money without permission. It seems that they can extract small amounts from your card without authorisation so this could go on for month's!
Please be careful

Good Luck!

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 15:18:05 MET DST