Re: Java Fix for Communicator 4.04/2

Autor: Przemysław Pawełczyk (
Data: Fri 14 Aug 1998 - 09:34:44 MET DST


Chyba tego nie podsyłałem.


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On Thu, 13 Aug 1998 22:02:17 EDT, WarpHoss wrote:

>** Reply to note from "DoC" <> Thu, 13 Aug 1998 22:52:48
>I lost your most helpful note about JavaSetup for Comm404.
>Got a copy handy? <TIA>

Sure.. :) Here it is. I'm also forwarding a copy to the list again, as
I saw that a few people
were asking for it too.

-- DoC

I think I finally got Communicator 4.04 to work reliably and not crash
on most java pages
with me.

Here's what I did:

- Go to Edit->Preferences->OS/2 Preferences
- Click on "IBM Java Properties"

This screen had, by default, only the "-nojit" parameter on the
"optional Java
parameters" field and a check on "Ignore System Classpath". All the
other fields were

- Uncheck the "Ignore System Classpath";
- Click on the "Browse" button, find and select the javai.dll library

- On the "Enter optional classpath" field, type
"d:\comm4.0\program\java\classes\" (without quotes,
substitute the first
directory for the one you installed Comm/2 in)

- Click on "Append to beginning of the system classpath"
- Click OK.

You should now have a working Java 1.1.6 under Communicator 4.04....

So far all the applets I tested work or _at least_ appear after the
"Applet xxxx running"
message and then bombing out (gracefully - no hanged processes). Before
it always
closed comm/2 right away and left a hanged process :)

-- DoC

P.S: I left the "-nojit" parameter alone, as the documentation
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============================= OS/2 WARP 4ever
Przemysław Pawełczyk (Warpman) Freelance journalist
Os. Centrum B 1/89 Phone +48 12 642-13-00
31-926 Kraków

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