Fwd: Re: Epson Drivers

Autor: Przemysław Pawełczyk (warpman_at_friko5.onet.pl)
Data: Wed 12 Aug 1998 - 20:55:27 MET DST


Niech ktoś weźmie te sterowniki zanim będzie za późno.


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I'm d'ling it from:
right now, before it gets away!

Thanks Mark!

Mark said:
>These are beta drivers and it appears Epson germany refuses to finish the
>work on them.

Not only that, but they won't even let anybody have them. I cruised
their ftp site, they're gone, period. OS/2 isn't even listed in their
os search
list, but they've got Amiga. Go figure.

   Carl Brown, Whitefield, NH, USA Proud Member of TEAM OS/2
   cbsled_at_moose.ncia.net Boycott Micro$oft!

Wednesday, August 12, 1998 - 12:31 PM

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============================= OS/2 WARP 4ever
Przemysław Pawełczyk (Warpman) Freelance journalist
Os. Centrum B 1/89 Phone +48 12 642-13-00
31-926 Kraków warpman_at_friko5.onet.pl
Poland http://friko5.onet.pl/kr/warpman/

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