Fwd: [WarpCast] Bochs for XFree86-OS/2 on Hobbes

Autor: Andrzej J. Piotrowski (A_J_P_at_it.com.pl)
Data: Mon 09 Mar 1998 - 20:57:01 MET

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                Fixpak 6 for OS/2 Warp 4 is out!
get your Fixpak CD from the Supersite and BMT Micro for only $15
     or only$8 if you are a previous Fixpak CD customer
Check it out at https://secure.falcon-net.net/BMT/order0287.html
--------------------------- WarpCast -------------------------
Source: Steve Wendt, http://www.os2bbs.com/OS2News/OS2News.html
Reply-to: stevew_at_hartnell.cc.ca.us

The most recent version of Bochs has been uploaded to Hobbes:
(If it's been moved out of the /incoming directory by the time you read
this, use the search function at http://hobbes.nmsu.edu)
Bochs is a PC Emulator for the XFree86 Window System ported to
Xfree86/OS2 by Alex Spanidis. It should run
DOS/Windows 3.x/Windows 95/Linux in a box. VERY SLOW but promising!
Remember that you have to have XFree86-OS/2 installed first - See
http://borneo.gmd.de/~veit/os2/xf86os2.html for details.
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Andrzej J. Piotrowski,  AJP Communications
Head office/home:     E-mail: A_J_P_at_it.com.pl
tel. +48.22  7731746;   fax/modem +48.22  7731729,
Warsaw's office:    E-mail: AJP_at_pol.pl
Al. Waszyngtona 53A suite 19, 04-074 Warszawa
tel./modem/fax +48.22    8102292, 8130958, 8136872

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