Re: Tryz systemy operacyjne

Autor: Sławomir Stachniewicz (
Data: Wed 11 Feb 1998 - 13:29:16 MET

On Wed, 11 Feb 1998 13:46:26 +0100 (CET), Rysiek Ziembicki wrote:

>Poszukuje odpowiedzi na nastepujace pytanie:
>Chce zainstalowac trzy systemy operacyjne.
>a)Win 95 - na dysku 0
>b)Win NT - na dysku 0
>c)linux - na dysku 1

        Coz, zdarza sie.

>Uzycie BootManagera z OS/2 nie jest mozliwe poniewaz dysk 0 ma
>wieksza pojemnosc niz 2,1 Gb i wystepuja problemy z mapowaniem.

        ??? Mam 2 x 2.5 GB i wszystko "chodzi" pod Boot Managerem
(a mam DOS, 2 wersje OS/2, Linuxa i WinNT, prawie wszystko na
pierwszym dysku). Musisz tylko miec dyskietki startowe do OS/2
(albo sam OS/2) z FP5 (Merlin) lub 32 (Warp 3) - glownie chodzi
o nowy IBM1S506.ADD.

>Bootloader z Win Nt umozliwa odpalenie tylko systemu Win 95 i NT.

        Nie tylko - jest taki programik (BootPart - mozesz
poszukac AltaVista, "+boot* +Windows +NT +Linux" lub cos w
tym stylu; w razie czego gdzies go mam u siebie - ale chyba
to nie bedzie konieczne, wyjasnienie dalej).

>Lilo z Linuxa pozwala uruchomic tylko Win95 i Linuxa poniewaz
>modyfikuje MasterBootSector i wymazuje BootLoadera z Windowsa NT.

        Zainstaluj LILO nie w MBR lecz na jego wlasnej partycji
(jest tu uzyte okreslenie "superblock", przynajmniej w Slackware);
chodzi pewnie o bootsektor.

        Ogolnie, zalecalbym instalacje kBootManager-a (kbm35012
lub nowszy; jest gdzies na Hobbesie [w ICM tez], gdzies w
os2/util/startup lub cos w tym stylu). Aby moc boot-owac te
wszystkie systemy, musialem zainstalowac kBM a nastepnie uczynic go
nieaktywnym - zrobilem to na dwoch komputerach (moim - 2 x 2.5 GB
i u znajomego - 1.7 GB). Mysle, ze w Twoim przypadku bedziesz musial
zrobic to samo, co ja (kBM tez ma problemy z dyskami > 2 GB, u mnie
np. nie boot-owal Warpa na dysku 2 [caly dysk to HPFS, primary, 2.5 GB]).
Oto opis czynnosci (fragment mojego listu do autora i fragment jego
odpowiedzi, niestety po angielsku):

********** Moj e-mail ***********

        I tried Your program at another machine: HDD "1.7 GB"
(quotation marks because it is really a bit more than 1.6 GB
due to difference between 10^9 and 1024^3), partitions:

pri1 DOS (FAT), ~510MB

pri2 Extended
         1: OS/2 (HPFS), ~500MB
         2: NT (NTFS), ~350MB
         3: Linux (Ext2), ~250MB

pri3 Boot Manager

        I could boot OS Loader (C:), OS/2 and Linux from BM
and DOS and NT from OS Loader. I prepared the NTFS partition
to boot (boot.ini + ntldr + and I added
NT to BM - boot failed (hanged, Alt-Ctrl-Del required).
So I unpacked kBM to some dir and (under DOS) ran QINST.EXE .

        Within QINST:

1. I installed kBM and kMBR.

2. I added DOS and set Update BPB for NT (I had to
   set "Boot as Primary" first).

3. "Write to disk" and "quit".

        After reboot I tried to boot NT. It seemed to boot
but suddenly I got the message

Windows NT could not start because the following
file is missing or corrupt:
<winnt root>\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
Please re-install a copy of the above file

(I had got the same message at my PC)

so I made the Three Finger Salute again, booted
DOS, set the load method to "none", ran Norton
Disk Editor (in R&W mode), went to Partition
Table, made BM partition startable (instead of
C:), made a reboot again ... and everything
works, the BM boots everything. Now it was
safe to remove the OS Loader from C: (I wrote
the bootsector to BOOT.NT and BOOTSECT.DOS
to the bootsector), I made a backup copy
of all BOOT*.* and NT*.* (RAR compressed),
removed these files and everything is O.K.

        What did I do on _my_ PC it was more
or less the same (in a bit different order,
I was not familiar with the kBM yet). It works
- I wonder why, but it works. And this step
with QINST seems to be necessary.

********** fragmenty odpowiedzi ***********

On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, [iso-8859-2] S awomir Stachniewicz wrote:

> 2. I added DOS and set Update BPB for NT (I had to
> set "Boot as Primary" first).
Oops!!! You should not use the "As primary" EBF. Hmm. This sounds like a
bug in the installer.... you are not able to set the "Update BPB" EBF
without setting the "As primary" first. Ok I'll fix it when I get home -
this night. Expect a new release tomorrow (v0.36.2 that should be).

> so I made the Three Finger Salute again, booted
> DOS, set the load method to "none", ran Norton
> Disk Editor (in R&W mode), went to Partition
> Table, made BM partition startable (instead of
> C:), made a reboot again ... and everything
> works, the BM boots everything.
You can use the Qinst program to set the "active" partition. I think the
option is called "set bootflag".


OK! I have found what your problem is and why you could boot NT with the
IBM BootManager after failing to boot it with kBM. To boot NT kBM have to
update the BPB on the disk since the inital NT loader reloads itself from
the disk. (I have looked at it with a dissembler.) i will try to explain
shortly what have happened. You booted the NT partition with the "As
primary" and "Update BPB" EBF's. kBM mapped this to the primary
partitiontable("as primary"), updated the BPB. Wrote it to disk. And you
have in one or another way, or there is a shortcomming in the kBM cleanup
mechanism, removed the primary partitiontable entry and not updated the
BPB. This leaves the BPB updated - and that is all that is required to
boot an NT partition. I have yet no answer to why the NT BPB was not set
back to it initial state. (I'll look at it before the next release.) NT
does not use the BPB on an NTFS disk, it's only the loader.

Thanks both for helping me finding bugs/shortcommings and for trying
the kBM. Right now i'll run home and fix bugs.


*********** koniec ***********

        Jakby co, to mam wspomniana wersje kBM u siebie
(spakowana RAR-em, 82 kB) - moge przeslac e-mailem.

        Slawomir Stachniewicz.

| Slawomir Stachniewicz |
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