Fwd: [WarpCast] TCP/IP 4.1 Fixpacks now public!

Autor: Leszek KUBRAK (infokub_at_pp.com.pl)
Data: Sat 31 Jan 1998 - 21:02:41 MET

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>Subject: [WarpCast] TCP/IP 4.1 Fixpacks now public!
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--------------------------- WarpCast -------------------------
Source: dink
Reply-to: dink_at_momoville.com

IBM has made its TCP/IP 4.1 fixes public (they no longer require
a password!)
Additionally, a new fix has been released for TCP/IP v4.1. The
fix raises protocol drivers to the following levels:
	SOCKETS.SYS: 5.3002
	AFOS2.SYS:   5.3000
	AFINET.SYS:  5.3002
The url for all TCP/IP stack updates (TCP/IP 3.0 -> 4.1) is:
While the one specifically for TCP/IP v4.1 is:
- dink (http://ozbbs.ml.org/dink)
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Leszek KUBRAK <infokub_at_pp.com.pl>
P.U.I. "InfoKub"                  tel.0-602-221956
os.Kolorowe 25/5                  fax.(0-12)644-57-59
31-941 KRAKÓW

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