Fwd: Quake 2 for OS/2 beta test

Autor: Andrzej J. Piotrowski (A_J_P_at_it.com.pl)
Data: Fri 30 Jan 1998 - 10:25:31 MET

Po adresie widze, ze az dwoch z Polski sie zalapalo - ja i MArek L. :)))

Adresu na razie niestety nie mozemy podac, ale wkrotce bedzie dostepny dla


The beta can be downloaded from:

First of all, do not copy this release or tell others where
to find it.
Everybody will be able to test it shortly.

For the details on how to run Quake 2 in OS/2, please
refer to the included readme.txt. (this one contains
important information!)

It should tell you exactly what to do.
If you have any comments about this readme, mail me.
(documentation isn't my strongest point)

Three more remarks:
        - Be patient when a level is loaded.
          This takes about 1 minute if you own
          a Voodoo card or 20 seconds
          in software rendering mode.
          Something is wasting a lot of time
          (takes 15 seconds in NT), but I haven't
          found it yet.
        - When quitting Quake 2, you'll often
          see a crash in doscalls.dll.
          Don't worry about it. Just be sure
          to delete your popup.log after a while.
          (it can grow quite fast)
And last:
When reporting a bug (for this test release, you can mail
me about it), always tell me which OS/2 version, FP level
video card and soundcard model you own.



===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE===================

Lech Wiktor Piotrowski
OS / 2 = Win ^ 95
ICQ#: 6554016

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